Related Employment

Example Definitions of "Related Employment"
Related Employment. A Participant's employment with an employer other than the Firm, provided that: (i) the Participant undertakes such employment at the request or with the consent of the Firm; (ii) immediately prior to undertaking such employment the Participant was an employee of the Firm or was engaged in Related Employment (as defined herein); and (iii) such employment is recognized by the Firm in its discretion as Related Employment.
Related Employment. Your employment with an employer other than the Company (such employer, herein referred to as a "Related Employer"), provided: (i) you undertake such employment at the written request or with the written consent of Discover's Head of Human Resources; (ii) immediately prior to undertaking such employment you were an employee of the Company or were engaged in Related Employment (as defined herein); and (iii) such employment is recognized by the Company in its discretion as Related Employment;... and, provided further that the Company may (1) determine at any time in its sole discretion that employment that was recognized by the Company as Related Employment no longer qualifies as Related Employment, and (2) condition the designation and benefits of Related Employment on such terms and conditions as the Company may determine in its sole discretion. The designation of employment as Related Employment does not give rise to an employment relationship between you and the Company, or otherwise modify your and the Company's respective rights and obligations. View More
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