Relative Total Shareholder Return
Relative Total Shareholder Return. The percentile rank of the Company's Total Shareholder Return as compared to (but not included in) the Total Shareholder Returns of all members of the Peer Group, ranked in descending order, at the end of the Performance Period
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SITE Centers Corp. contract
Relative Total Shareholder Return. Percentile rank of the Company's Total Shareholder Return (TSR) against an external benchmark established by the Committee in its sole discretion. The composition of the external benchmark may be adjusted by the Committee from time to time throughout the Performance Period based on criteria established by the Committee
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CASTLE A M & CO contract
Relative Total Shareholder Return. The Company's TSR relative to the TSR of the Peer Companies. Relative TSR will be determined by ranking the Company and the Peer Companies from highest to lowest according to their respective TSRs. After this ranking, the percentile performance of the Company relative to the Peer Companies will be determined as follows: where: "P" represents the percentile performance which will be rounded, if necessary, to the nearest whole percentile by application of regular rounding. "N" represents the...
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Amn Healthcare Services Inc contract
Relative Total Shareholder Return. The Company's Total Shareholder Return as compared to the median Total Shareholder Return of the S&P 500 Index
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Conagra Brands contract