Released Executed Batch Record

Example Definitions of "Released Executed Batch Record"
Released Executed Batch Record. The completed batch record (in the form of the applicable Master Batch Record) and associated deviation reports, investigation reports, and Certificates of Analysis (provided in accordance with the Quality Agreement) created for each Batch of Product and approved as released to Halozyme under cGMP by Baxter's quality assurance department
Released Executed Batch Record. The completed batch record (in the form of the applicable Master Batch Record) and associated deviation reports, investigation reports, and Certificates of Analysis (provided in accordance with the Quality Agreement) created for each Batch of Product Bulk Drug Substance and approved as released to Halozyme HALOZYME under cGMP by Baxter's quality assurance department AVID.
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Released Executed Batch Record. The completed batch record and associate deviation reports, investigation reports, and Certificates of Analysis created for each Batch of Client Product.
Released Executed Batch Record. The completed Batch record and associated deviation reports, investigation reports, and Certificates of Analysis created by Althea for each Batch of Client Product that is released by Althea, in the standard form described in the Quality Agreement.
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