Research Tool

Example Definitions of "Research Tool"
Research Tool. M.I.T. owned plasmids, vectors, viruses or nucleic acid fragments.
Research Tool. The term "Research Tool" shall mean any Technology which is designed or utilized for basic research purposes or internal drug discovery purposes and which is not utilized to produce, or incorporated into, a product.
Research Tool. The term 'Research Tool' shall mean a Licensed Product, Licensed Process or Licensed Biological Material that is designed and developed solely for use in performing basic research including, without limitation, basic research having as its primary purpose understanding the biology or pathology of cells or cell lines and diseases or disorders affecting them, or education purposes, and not for Commercial Drug Development purposes. 'Commercial Drug Development' includes the following activities:... (a) any human clinical use or veterinary use (including, without limitation, therapeutic, prophylactic or diagnostic use); (b) any screening of compound libraries; (c) any development, manufacture or provision of any commercial pharmaceutical, healthcare or consumer products, processes or services; or (d) any provision of services related to the above (a)-(c). View More
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