Retirement Date

Example Definitions of "Retirement Date"
Retirement Date. The later of age 62 or the latest date on which an Outside Director is required to resign from the Dominion Resources Board in accordance with the Corporate Governance Guidelines of the Company.
Retirement Date. The Retirement Date shall mean April 5, 2013 or such later date as is deemed necessary to reasonably effect the transition of Executive's responsibilities to a successor, as determined by the Company in its sole discretion.
Retirement Date. The day on or after the Participant's Normal Retirement Age when the Participant's Employment is Terminated
Retirement Date. The day on or after Executive's Normal Retirement Age when Executive's Employment is Terminated.
Retirement Date. Means the last date, due to retirement on or after an Eligible Participant's Eligible Retirement Date, of the Eligible Participant's (i) employment if the Eligible Participant is an employee or (ii) service to the Company and its subsidiaries as a Board member if the Eligible Participant is a non-employee Board member
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