Revenue of the Business

Example Definitions of "Revenue of the Business"
Revenue of the Business. Shall mean an amount equal to (a) interest income on reverse repurchase agreements earned by the Business, plus (b) interest income on available cash balances in the BNYM clearing account, plus (c) Treasury Market Practice Group fail charges earned by the Business, less (d) Treasury Market Practice Group fail charges incurred by the Business, less (e) interest expense on repurchase agreements incurred by the Business, less (f) interest expense on intraday, overnight or other short-term... borrowings incurred by the Business, less (g) "day overdraft charges" (as defined in the BNYM clearing account agreement) incurred by the Business, less (h) general collateral financing trade costs incurred by the Business, less (i) any other forms of interest incurred by the Business, all as determined in accordance with GAAP. Any revenue attributable to JVB's gestational matched book repo business (the "trust certificate business") will not constitute "Revenue of the Business" View More
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