
Example Definitions of "Rig"
Rig. Shall mean that certain jackup known as the Transocean Jupiter being of Panamanian registry, Patente No. 1922690F, together with the items identified on Schedule A hereto and any other machinery, engines, equipment, anchors, cable, pumps, supplies, tools, stores, furniture, and electrical, mechanical, chemical, hydraulic and other systems actually located thereon, incorporated therein or attached thereto as of the date hereof, as well as the spud cans belonging to the Rig currently located... onshore at Ajman Port (the Shore-Based Items). The Rig shall not include (i) any other item which is not expressly described above, (ii) any form of business management and preventive maintenance software or any other software the license to which does not allow transfer without the licensor's consent, or (iii) equipment that belongs to a third party which is identified on Schedule A-1 attached hereto. View More
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