Royalty Obligation Term

Example Definitions of "Royalty Obligation Term"
Royalty Obligation Term. Means, for each country within the Territory on a country-by-country basis, the time period commencing on the first Commercial Launch Date of the Licensed Product in such country and ending on the date that is the earlier of (i) the date that a Valid Claim no longer exists under the Licensed Patents in such country or (ii) the date a pharmaceutical product containing a [***] formulation of the Compound, other than Spectrum's product licensed hereunder, receives regulatory approval in such... country; but in either event is at least [***] ([***]) years after the Commercial Launch Date for such Licensed Product in such country. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if at any time no Valid Claim under the Licensed Patents exists in a country, and a pharmaceutical product containing a [***] formulation of the Compound (other than Spectrum's product licensed hereunder) receives regulatory approval and launches commercially in such country for the same indication as Spectrum's product licensed hereunder, then the royalty rate shall immediately be reduced [***] for such country for the remainder of the Royalty Obligation Term). View More
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