Royalty Period

Example Definitions of "Royalty Period"
Royalty Period. The partial calendar quarter commencing on the date on which the first Licensed Product is sold or used and every complete or partial calendar quarter thereafter during which either (a) this Agreement remains in effect or (b) Company has the right to complete and sell work-in-progress and inventory of Licensed Products pursuant to Section 8.5
Royalty Period. The partial calendar quarter commencing on the date on which the first Licensed Product is sold or used (or Licensed Services are performed) and every complete or partial calendar quarter thereafter during which either (a) this Agreement remains in effect or (b) Company has the right to complete and sell work-in-progress and inventory of Licensed Products or Licensed Services pursuant to Section 8.5 8.5.
Royalty Period. The Means the partial calendar quarter commencing on the date on which the first Licensed Product is sold or commercially used and every complete or partial calendar quarter thereafter during which either (a) this Agreement remains in effect or (b) Company Isis has the right to complete and sell work-in-progress and inventory of Licensed Products pursuant to Section 8.5 8.5.
Royalty Period. The Means the partial calendar quarter commencing on the date on which the first Licensed Product is sold or used and every complete or partial calendar quarter thereafter during which either (a) this Agreement remains in effect or (b) Company has the right to complete and sell work-in-progress and inventory of Licensed Products pursuant to Section 8.5 6.5.
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Royalty Period. Any calendar quarter commencing on January 1, April 1, July 1 or October 1 during which a Licensed Product is sold or used and every complete or partial calendar quarter thereafter during which this Agreement remains in effect.
Royalty Period. The partial calendar quarter commencing on the date on which the first Licensed Product is sold or used or the first Licensed Service is performed and every complete or partial calendar quarter thereafter during which either (a) this Agreement remains in effect or (b) Company has the right to complete and sell work-in-progress and inventory of Licensed Products or perform Licensed Services pursuant to Section 8.6.
Royalty Period. The six-month periods ending on the last day of June and December of each year.
Royalty Period. With respect to each Royalty-Bearing Product, every calendar quarter, or partial calendar quarter, commencing with the first commercial sale of such Royalty-Bearing Product in any country and thereafter during which Sankyo has the obligation to pay a royalty pursuant to Section 8.5.
Royalty Period. Shall mean every calendar quarter, or partial calendar quarter, in which a royalty is payable to ArQule pursuant to Section 9.5. commencing with the first commercial sale of a Royalty-Bearing Product in any country.
Royalty Period. Means, with respect to a given Product on a country-by-country basis, the period of time commencing on the date of the First Commercial Sale of the First Product sold (or otherwise disposed of commercially) in such country by a Party (or its Affiliate, licensee, or sublicensee) and continuing [ * ], unless terminated earlier by written agreement of the Parties.
Royalty Period. On a Product-by-Product basis, the period of time beginning on the date of the First Commercial Sale of such Product and continuing during the term for which a Valid Claim remains in effect and would be infringed but for rights under the Licensed Patent Rights by the make, use, offer for sale, sale or import of such Product.
Royalty Period. Means, on a Licensed Product-by-Licensed Product and country-to-country basis, the period commencing on the Effective Date and ending on the later of (a) the expiration of the last-to-expire Valid Claim or Exclusivity Right, or (b) 15 years from the date of the First Commercial Sale.
Royalty Period. Means the period commencing on the date of this Agreement and ending on (and including) December 31, 2024 (regardless of any earlier repayment of the Obligations or termination of the Facility Agreement).
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