Service Provider
Service Provider. An Employee, Member or Consultant
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Gigamon Inc. contract
Service Provider. An Employee, Director or Consultant and shall also include an employee of any Subsidiary of a Parent of the Company
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Jive Software, Inc. contract
Service Provider. An Employee, Director or Consultant. The Administrator, in its sole discretion, may determine whether an Employee, Director or Consultant on a leave of absence is no longer deemed to be a Service Provider for the purposes of this Plan
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Freedom Acquisition I Corp. contract
Service Provider. Shall mean an Employee, Director, or Consultant.
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LRAD Corp contract
Service Provider. An Employee, Director or Consultant of the Company
Service Provider. An Employee or Consultant. A Director who is neither an Employee nor a Consultant shall not be deemed to be a Service Provider
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FC Global Realty Inc contract
Service Provider. An Employee or Consultant providing services outside the United States to the Company or to one of its Subsidiaries
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Service Provider. A Person that provides, on behalf of Company, any obligations that Company is required to perform under this Agreement
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Everi Holdings Inc. contract
Service Provider. Means an Employee, Consultant or Service Provider.
Service Provider. Means an Employee, Manager, Director or Consultant.
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