Size Condition

Example Definitions of "Size Condition"
Size Condition. Means that the aggregate amount of equity capital invested in the Fund by the holders of Shares (excluding, for this purpose, equity capital invested in the Fund by the Advisor and its Affiliates), and which remains invested in the Fund by such holders of such Shares, on each of the dates set forth below, equals or exceeds the following amounts: Date Amount of Invested Equity First anniversary of the Initial Closing $ 150 million Second anniversary of the Initial Closing $ 300 million Third... anniversary of the Initial Closing $ 400 million Fourth anniversary of the Initial Closing $ 400 million Fifth anniversary of the Initial Closing $ 400 million Sixth anniversary of the Initial Closing $ 500 million Seventh anniversary of the Initial Closing $ 500 million Eighth anniversary of the Initial Closing $ 700 million Ninth anniversary of the Initial Closing $ 700 million Tenth anniversary of the Initial Closing $ 700 million View More
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