
Example Definitions of "Specification"
Specification. Supplier's specifications and associated Program Documentation for the Equipment and Licensed Programs ordered by Vodafone under accepted Purchase Orders this Agreement as detailed within Appendix A and such other published specifications and associated Program Documentation of Supplier as the parties hereto may from time to time agree in writing are Specifications for purposes of this Agreement
Specification. Means Supplier's specifications and associated Program Documentation for the Equipment and Licensed Programs ordered by Vodafone under accepted Purchase Orders this Agreement as detailed within Appendix A B and such other published specifications and associated Program Documentation of Supplier as the parties hereto may from time to time agree in writing are Specifications for purposes of this Agreement Agreement; provided that, in the case of an inconsistency between the Technical Annex and... any other Specification, unless the parties otherwise expressly agree, the Technical Annex shall prevail View More
View Variation
Specification. Shall mean the description the Product set forth on Exhibit A.
Specification. Shall mean the The description the Product set forth on Exhibit A. A
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Specification. Shall mean, for a particular Product, the specifications, methods and processes of the product, as set forth in the applicable MAs for that Product.
Specification. Shall mean, for a particular Product, the specifications, methods and processes of the product, as set forth in the applicable MAs Dossier for that Product.
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Specification. As referred to in this document means the [**]Brocade Technical Specification(s) for SAN Switch that may be updated from time to time.
Specification. The current Product specifications set forth on the Purchase Addendum. The Specifications may only be changed by a writing signed by both parties.
Specification. The specification and product requirements for each Item mutually agreed to by the parties.
Specification. The specification of the Licensed Product as set out on Appendix I hereto
Specification. The specification for Product or Services, as applicable, particulars of which are set out in Work Orders.
Specification. All of the requirements and specifications (including without limitation, functional, electrical, mechanical, thermal, packaging and quality specifications, performance requirements and acceptance criteria) that define the Product. Specifications may be attached hereto in schedules.
Specification. Means technical information about Products published in the Seller's Product manuals, user documentation, and technical data sheets in effect on the date the Seller delivers such Products.
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