Specified Bankruptcy Conditions

Example Definitions of "Specified Bankruptcy Conditions"
Specified Bankruptcy Conditions. With respect to the Cases solely for the Debtors, the following conditions: (i) debtor in possession financing order, substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A (with any changes thereto reasonably acceptable to the Agent), (the DIP Order) containing such cash collateral and adequate protection provisions as are more fully set forth in Exhibit A shall have been entered by the bankruptcy court with jurisdiction over the Cases (x) on an interim basis as promptly as practicable, but in... any event by a date (the Interim Order Date) within 5 Business days after the commencement of the Cases (or such later date as may be acceptable to the Agent), and (y) on a final basis, no later than 60 days after the commencement of the Cases (or such later date as may be acceptable to the Agent); (ii) the DIP Order shall expressly authorize and direct the payment in full and in cash of all Obligations (including cash collateralizing all outstanding Letters of Credit unless rolled over into a new or amended facility) in accordance with the terms of the Credit Agreement on the Interim Order Date (or such later date as may be acceptable to the Agent in its sole discretion but, in any event, no more than 14 Business Days after the Interim Order Date); (iii) the DIP Order shall have remained in full force and effect at all times after the entry thereof and shall not have been modified, amended or supplemented without the consent of the Agent; and (iv) no other order shall have been entered limiting, modifying or amending any of the rights, benefits, privileges and protections granted the Agent and/or the Lenders under the DIP Order. View More
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