
Example Definitions of "Sponsor"
Sponsor. LifeSci Investments, LLC, an Investor
Sponsor. NeoGenesis Holding Co. Ltd., a Cayman Islands company
Sponsor. Means Double Ventures Holdings Limited, a British Virgin Islands company
Sponsor. AIM and Axar
Sponsor. Blackstone Mortgage Trust, Inc., a Maryland corporation.
Sponsor. Galileo Founders Holdings, L.P., a _______________
Sponsor. BC European Capital X-1 to 10 and 5A LP, and BCEC X Luxembourg 1 SCSp, and their affiliates
Sponsor. New Mountain Partners III Cayman (AIV-B), L.P. and any of its Affiliates, and funds or partnerships managed or advised by any of them or any of their respective Affiliates but not including, however, any portfolio company of any of the foregoing
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