
Example Definitions of "Standards"
Standards. Shall mean the Wal−Mart Stores, Inc. Standards for Suppliers, attached hereto.
Standards. Shall mean the Wal−Mart Wal–Mart Stores, Inc. Standards for Suppliers, attached hereto.
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Standards. Means parts available through the Spares Catalog or those items considered as aircraft standards by the industry that are sold to Customer by Boeing.
Standards. Means the specifications of Buyer or its Retail Customer for the Products set forth in the applicable purchase order.
Standards. All standards, specifications, requirements, criteria, and policies that have been and are in the future developed and compiled by us for use by you in connection with the design, construction, renovation, refurbishment, appearance, equipping, furnishing, supplying, opening, operating, maintaining, marketing, services, service levels, quality, and quality assurance of System Hotels, including the Hotel, and for hotel advertising and accounting, whether contained in the Manual or set out in this... Agreement or other written communication. View More
Standards. The detailed formulations and specifications for the Production of each Product, including the ingredients, manufacturing, testing, packaging, labeling, storage and quality standards (including, but not limited to, a Quality Agreement) for each Product, as shall be provided by Juice Plus+ to Seller and agreed to in writing by Seller, as such Standards may be amended by any subsequent written memorandums signed by the Parties expressly referring to this Agreement
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