Stock Collateral

Example Definitions of "Stock Collateral"
Stock Collateral. The property at any time pledged to the Agent hereunder (whether described herein or not) and all income therefrom, increases therein and proceeds thereof, including without limitation the Cash Collateral but excluding from the definition of "Stock Collateral" any income, increases or proceeds received by the Borrowers to the extent expressly permitted by Section 6 of this Pledge Agreement.
Stock Collateral. The Pledged Stock and all Proceeds therefrom
Stock Collateral. The property at any time pledged to the Administrative Agent hereunder (whether described herein or not) and all income therefrom, increases therein and proceeds thereof, including without limitation that included in Cash Collateral. The term does not include any income, increases or proceeds received by the Company to the extent expressly permitted by ยง6.
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