Stock Option Committee

Example Definitions of "Stock Option Committee"
Stock Option Committee. The Board of Directors of the Bank may select and designate a Stock Option Committee consisting of three or more directors of the Bank, having full authority to act in the matter. Regardless of whether a Stock Option Committee is selected, the Board of Directors of the Bank may act as the Stock Option Committee and any action taken by said Board as such shall be deemed to be action taken by the Stock Option Committee. All references in the Plan to the "Stock Option Committee" shall be deemed to... refer to the Board of Directors of the Bank acting as the Stock Option Committee and to a duly appointed Stock Option Committee, if there be one. In the event of any conflict between action taken by the Board acting as a Stock Option Committee and action taken by a duly appointed Stock Option Committee, the action taken by the Board shall be controlling and the action taken by the duly appointed Stock option Committee shall be disregarded. View More
Stock Option Committee. The Stock Option Committee appointed by the Board. Prior to the appointment of such a committee, the Board shall be deemed the Stock Option Committee
Stock Option Committee. Any committee chosen by the Board of Directors to implement, interpret and administer this Plan
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