Store Separation

Example Definitions of "Store Separation"
Store Separation. Means all work reasonably necessary to physically separate, in a manner and to an extent mutually satisfactory to Limited and Express, the applicable Limited Tenant Premises and Express Premises, including any Adjacent Premises, whether or not such locations have been listed on the Schedules attached hereto as of the date hereof or have been inadvertently omitted therefrom and are subsequently included thereto by agreement between the parties (it being the parties' intention that all such... affected stores, but for those specifically excluded herein, be covered hereby) including (i) compliance with all applicable local, state and federal laws, rules and regulations to ensure that the Express Premises and the Limited Tenant Premises may each be leased, used and occupied for their intended purposes lawfully in all respects, (ii) any segregation of selling or storage space, construction of firewalls, construction of access corridors, necessary modifications to and separation of the HVAC system or utilities (e.g., to enable separate services and metering), (iii) where applicable, purchase of cabinets and fixtures for use on the newly constructed separation wall, in each case on both sides of a separation wall and of comparable quality to other cabinets and fixtures already used in the relevant store, and (iv) where applicable, installation of duplicate facilities (e.g., bathrooms, storerooms, backrooms, fire doors, and entrances and exits to the exterior and interior malls) of comparable quality to those in existence and shared by Express and the respective Limited Tenant immediately prior to the separation. Except and to the extent noted in this Agreement as to any specific location, it is the intention of the parties hereto for each Express Premises and each Limited Tenant Premises, after the completion of the Store Separation work, if any, to be a fully functional, separated, segregated and secured lawful business unit in all respects. View More
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