Strategic Partner

Example Definitions of "Strategic Partner"
Strategic Partner. (i) a pharmaceutical or biotechnology company with book equity of at least U.S. $200,000,000, (ii) a pharmaceutical or biotechnology company with sales of at least U.S. $150,000,000, or (iii) a publicly traded, or division or subdivision of a publicly traded, pharmaceutical or biotechnology company with market capitalization in excess of U.S. $200,000,000.
Strategic Partner. Has the meaning set forth in the Multi-Product License Agreement.
Strategic Partner. Means any entity that agrees to compensate Licensee or its Affiliate in exchange for: Licensee's or its Affiliate's practice of the Patent Rights and/or development of Products, on behalf of or in collaboration with such entity, including without limitation, for commercialization and development activities for Products. Any entity which meets the foregoing criteria, that also receives a Sublicense shall be considered a Sublicensee, and not a Strategic Partner, for the purposes of this Agreement.
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