Subordinated Debt

Example Definitions of "Subordinated Debt"
Subordinated Debt. Debt subordinated to the Bank in manner and by agreement reasonably satisfactory to the Bank.
Subordinated Debt. Debt subordinated to the Bank in manner and by agreement reasonably satisfactory to the Bank.
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Subordinated Debt. All obligations, liabilities and indebtedness of every nature of the Company from time to time owed to Subordinated Creditor under the Subordinated Debt Documents, including, without limitation, the principal amount of all debts, claims and indebtedness, accrued and unpaid interest and all fees, costs and expenses, whether primary, secondary, direct, contingent, fixed or otherwise, heretofore, now and from time to time hereafter owing, due or payable, whether before or after the filing of a... Proceeding under the Bankruptcy Code together with (a) any amendments, restatements, modifications, renewals, increases or extensions thereof in accordance with the terms hereof and (b) any interest, fees, expenses, premiums or other amounts accruing thereon after the commencement of a Proceeding, without regard to whether or not such interest, fees, expenses, premiums or other amounts are allowed or allowable in whole or in part in any such Proceeding View More
Subordinated Debt. All obligations, liabilities and indebtedness of every nature of the Company Loan Parties from time to time owed to Subordinated Creditor under the Subordinated Debt Documents, including, without limitation, the principal amount of all debts, claims and indebtedness, accrued and unpaid interest and all fees, costs and expenses, whether primary, secondary, direct, contingent, fixed or otherwise, in each case, under the Subordinated Debt Documents, heretofore, now and from time to time hereafter... owing, due or payable, whether before or after the filing commencement of a Proceeding under the Bankruptcy Code together with (a) any amendments, restatements, modifications, renewals, increases renewals or extensions thereof in accordance with to the extent not prohibited by the terms hereof of this Agreement and (b) any interest, fees, expenses, premiums or other amounts interest accruing thereon after the commencement of a Proceeding, without regard to whether or not such interest, fees, expenses, premiums or other amounts are interest is an allowed or allowable in whole or in part in any such Proceeding claim. View More
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Subordinated Debt. Any debt incurred by Borrower that is subordinated in writing to the debt owing by Borrower to Lenders on terms acceptable to Lenders
Subordinated Debt. Any debt incurred by Borrower that is subordinated in writing to the debt owing by Borrower to Lenders Lender on terms acceptable to Lenders Lender
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Subordinated Debt. Means Debt of Borrower or any Subsidiary, the repayment of which is subordinated on terms satisfactory to CNB, to the Obligations.
Subordinated Debt. Junior debt incurred by Borrower in an aggregate amount not to exceed $15,000,000, which is junior or subordinated to Borrower's indebtedness owed to Silicon and which is reflected in a Subordination Agreement approved by Bank in writing
Subordinated Debt. Debt incurred by Borrower subordinated to Borrower's debt to Bank (and identified as subordinated by Borrower and Bank, pursuant to a subordination agreement entered into between the Bank, the Borrower and the subordinated creditor), on terms acceptable to Bank.
Subordinated Debt. Means all indebtedness of the Borrower which has been formally subordinated to payment and collection of the Obligations
Subordinated Debt. Debt of the Borrower and its Subsidiaries incurred in connection with the Trust Preferred Transaction
Subordinated Debt. Indebtedness and liabilities of Borrower, which have been subordinated by written agreement to indebtedness owed by Borrower to the Bank in form and substance reasonably acceptable to the Bank.
Subordinated Debt. Shall mean all debt of a Borrower covered by a Subordination Agreement.
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