Subordination Agreement

Example Definitions of "Subordination Agreement"
Subordination Agreement. Shall mean the Subordination and Intercreditor Agreement dated the date hereof by and among the Holder, General Electric Capital Corporation as agent and the other parties named therein.
Subordination Agreement. That certain Subordination Agreement, dated as of the date hereof, among the Obligor, the Guarantor, the Payees and holders of the indebtedness set forth on Schedule II attached hereto.
Subordination Agreement. That certain agreement, dated May 11, 2016 by and among the Company, Western Alliance Bank and the Agent, as the same may be amended from time to time.
Subordination Agreement. That certain Subordination Agreement dated as of June 24, 2016, by and among the Purchasers, the Company and the Agent
Subordination Agreement. That certain Subordination and Option Agreement of even date herewith entered into by and among Hercules, Secured Party and Debtor
Subordination Agreement. That certain subordination agreement, dated as of the First Amendment Date, by and between the Senior Lender and the Holder, as may be amended, modified or supplemented from time to time.
Subordination Agreement. That certain Subordination Agreement dated January 6, 2020 among Bridging Finance Inc., Investor, the Company and the other parties thereto.
Subordination Agreement. That certain Subordination Agreement dated December 19, 2019 among Bridging Finance Inc., Investor, the Company and the other parties thereto.
Subordination Agreement. The meaning set forth in the legends on the first page of this Note
Subordination Agreement. Means the Subordination Agreement in the form attached hereto as Exhibit E.
All Definitions