Substantially Complete

Example Definitions of "Substantially Complete"
Substantially Complete. And "Substantially Completed" shall mean that Landlord shall have obtained a certificate of occupancy for the Expansion Area from the City of Draper and that Landlord shall have substantially completed the Landlord Work, with the only work remaining to be completed by Landlord being items that can be completed after occupancy has been taken without causing material interference with Tenant's use of the Premises (i.e., so-called "punch list" items), which the parties shall agree upon in writing... at the time of Substantial Completion, and which "punch list" items Landlord shall complete as soon as possible and in any event within 30 days of the Expansion Date. View More
Substantially Complete. And "Substantially Completed" shall mean that Landlord shall have obtained a certificate of occupancy for the Expansion Area from the City of Draper and that Landlord shall have substantially completed the Landlord Work, with the only work remaining to be completed by Landlord being are items that can be completed after occupancy has been taken without causing material interference with Tenant's use of the Premises (i.e., so-called "punch list" items), which the parties shall agree upon in... writing at the time of Substantial Completion, and which "punch list" items Landlord shall complete as soon as possible and in any event within 30 days of the Expansion Date. The parties agree that this definition of Substantial Completion replaces the definition in Section 3.01 of the Lease View More
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