Supporting Public Entities Consent Right

Example Definitions of "Supporting Public Entities Consent Right"
Supporting Public Entities Consent Right. The Supporting Public Entities' right to consent to or approve a Definitive Document, which right shall apply solely to the extent the Definitive Document (i) is not consistent in any material respect with this Agreement; (ii) adversely affects, directly or indirectly, in any material respect the Supporting Public Entities' recoveries or treatment under the Debtor Plan with respect to the Supporting Public Entities' Wildfire Claims, as compared to the Plan Treatment (as defined below), other... than such different treatment that may be consented to, in writing, by the Supporting Public Entities, (iii) materially adversely affects, directly or indirectly, the obligations the Supporting Public Entities may have pursuant to this Agreement, or (iv) materially adversely affects the interests of the Supporting Public Entities with respect to any future acts or omissions of the Reorganized Debtors. If a Definitive Document is a court order, the Supporting Public Entities' right to consent to or approve such order shall apply solely with respect to the form and substance of the proposed order submitted to the Court and solely to the extent such proposed order provides treatment for the Supporting Public Entities Claims that is not consistent in any material respect with this Agreement, the Debtor Plan or Disclosure Statement View More
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