Tenant's Pro Rata Share

Example Definitions of "Tenant's Pro Rata Share"
Tenant's Pro Rata Share. Shall mean 9.510% which is the quotient (expressed as a percentage), derived by dividing the Approximate Rentable Area in the Premises by the Approximate Rentable Area in the Building.
Tenant's Pro Rata Share. Shall mean 9.510% Twenty and 96/100 percent (20.96%) which is the quotient (expressed as a percentage), derived by dividing the Approximate Rentable Area in the Premises by the Approximate Rentable Area in the Building.
Tenant's Pro Rata Share. Shall mean 9.510% Five and 05/100 (5.05%), which is the quotient (expressed as a percentage), derived by dividing the Approximate Rentable Area in the Premises by the Approximate Rentable Area in the Building.
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Tenant's Pro Rata Share. 8,435 square feet divided by 26,350 square feet or Thirty-Two percent (32%) representing a fraction, the numerator of which is the area of the Premises and the denominator of which is the area of the Building.
Tenant's Pro Rata Share. Is a fraction, the numerator of which for any year shall be the weighted average Rentable Area of the Premises for such year and the denominator of which shall be the Rentable Area of the Project for such year.
Tenant's Pro Rata Share. Seventeen point nine four (17.94%), which is the quotient (expressed as a percentage), derived by dividing the Approximate Rentable Area in the Premises by the Approximate Rentable Area in the Building.
Tenant's Pro Rata Share. Thirteen point sixty-three percent (13.63%), which is the quotient (expressed as a percentage), derived by dividing the Approximate Rentable Area in the Premises by the Approximate Rentable Area in the Building.
Tenant's Pro Rata Share. Tenant's Building I Pro Rata Share and Tenant's Building II Pro Rata Share combined.
Tenant's Pro Rata Share. 19 and 60/100ths percent, i.e., 0.1960 (19.60%), which is the quotient (expressed as a percentage), derived by dividing the Approximate Rentable Area in the Premises by the Approximate Rentable Area in the Building.
Tenant's Pro Rata Share. Shall mean 8.80%, which is a fraction, the numerator of which shall mean the Rentable Area of the Premises and the denominator of which shall mean the Rentable Area of the Building, as reasonably adjusted from time to time due to a change in the physical size of the Premises or the Building.
Tenant's Pro Rata Share. 1.01%.
Tenant's Pro Rata Share. References to "Tenant's Pro-Rata Share" in the Original Lease shall be deemed to mean Tenant's Pro-Rata Share for Floors 2-3 and Tenant's Pro-Rata Share for Floors 4-6, as applicable.
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