Example Definitions of "Term SOFR"
Term SOFR. The Term SOFR Reference Rate for a tenor comparable to the applicable Interest Period on the day (such day, the "Periodic Term SOFR Determination Day") that is two (2) U.S. Government Securities Business Days prior to the first day of such Interest Period, as such rate is published by the Term SOFR Administrator; provided, however, that if as of 5:00 p.m. (New York City time) on any Periodic Term SOFR Determination Day the Term SOFR Reference Rate for the applicable tenor has not been published... by the Term SOFR Administrator and a Benchmark Replacement Date with respect to the Term SOFR Reference Rate has not occurred, then Term SOFR will be the Term SOFR Reference Rate for such tenor as published by the Term SOFR Administrator on the first preceding U.S. Government Securities Business Day for which such Term SOFR Reference Rate for such tenor was published by the Term SOFR Administrator so long as such first preceding U.S. Government Securities Business Day is not more than three (3) U.S. Government Securities Business Days prior to such Periodic Term SOFR Determination Day. View More
Term SOFR. The Means the Term SOFR Reference Rate for a tenor comparable to the applicable one (1) month Interest Period on the day (such day, the "Periodic Term SOFR Determination Day") that is two (2) U.S. Government Securities Business Days prior to the first day of such Interest Period, as such rate is published by the Term SOFR Administrator; Administrator, provided, however, that if as of 5:00 p.m. (New York City time) on any Periodic Term SOFR Determination Day the Term SOFR Reference Rate for the... applicable tenor a one (1) month Interest Period has not been published by the Term SOFR Administrator and a Benchmark Replacement Date with respect to the Term SOFR Reference Rate has not occurred, Administrator, then Term SOFR will be the Term SOFR Reference Rate for such tenor a one (1) month Interest Period as published by the Term SOFR Administrator on the first preceding U.S. Government Securities Business Day for which such Term SOFR Reference Rate for such tenor a one (1) month Interest Period was published by the Term SOFR Administrator so long as such first preceding U.S. Government Securities Business Day is not more than three (3) U.S. Government Securities Business Days prior to such Periodic Term SOFR Determination Day. If the Term SOFR Reference Rate becomes unavailable during the term of this Loan, Lender may designate a comparable substitute index after notifying Borrower View More
Term SOFR. The Term SOFR Reference Rate for a tenor comparable to the applicable such Interest Period on the day (such day, the "Periodic Term "Term SOFR Determination Day") that is two (2) U.S. Government Securities Business Days prior to the first day of such Interest Period, as such rate is published by the Term SOFR Administrator; provided, however, that if as of 5:00 p.m. (New York City time) on any Periodic Term SOFR Determination Day the Term SOFR Reference Rate for the applicable tenor has not... been published by the Term SOFR Administrator and a Benchmark Replacement Date with respect to the Term SOFR Reference Rate has not occurred, then Term SOFR will be the Term SOFR Reference Rate for such tenor as published by the Term SOFR Administrator on the first preceding U.S. Government Securities Business Day for which such Term SOFR Reference Rate for such tenor was published by the Term SOFR Administrator so long as such first preceding U.S. Government Securities Business Day is not more than three (3) five (5) U.S. Government Securities Business Days prior to such Periodic Term SOFR Determination Day. Day; provided, further, that if Term SOFR as so determined (including pursuant to the foregoing proviso) shall be less than the Floor, then Term SOFR shall be deemed to be the Floor for the purposes of this Note and the other Loan Documents View More
Term SOFR. The Term SOFR Reference Rate for a tenor comparable to the applicable Interest Period on the day (such day, the "Periodic Term "Term SOFR Determination Day") that is two (2) U.S. Government Securities Business Days USGSBDs prior to the first day of such Interest Period, as such rate is published by the Term SOFR Administrator; provided, however, that (x) if as of 5:00 p.m. (New York City time) on any Periodic Term SOFR Determination Day the Term SOFR Reference Rate for the applicable tenor has... not been published by the Term SOFR Administrator and a Benchmark Replacement Date with respect to the Term SOFR Reference Rate has not occurred, Administrator, then Term SOFR will be the Term SOFR Reference Rate for such tenor as published by the Term SOFR Administrator on the first preceding U.S. Government Securities Business Day USGSBD for which such Term SOFR Reference Rate for such tenor was published by the Term SOFR Administrator so long as such first preceding U.S. Government Securities Business Day USGSBD is not more than three (3) U.S. Government Securities Business Days USGSBDs prior to such Periodic Term SOFR Determination Day. Day and (y) if Term SOFR determined as provided above (including pursuant to clause (x) of this proviso) shall ever be less than the Floor, then Term SOFR shall be deemed to be the Floor View More
View Variations (3)
Term SOFR. Means, with respect to each day of any applicable SOFR Loan for any Term SOFR Interest Period, the greater of (a) the forward-looking term rate based on SOFR for a tenor comparable to such Term SOFR Interest Period that is published by the Term SOFR Administrator two (2) SOFR Business Days prior to the first day of such Term SOFR Interest Period; provided, however, that if as of 5:00 pm (New York City time) on any interest lookback day, Term SOFR for the applicable tenor has not been published... by the Term SOFR Administrator and a benchmark replacement date with respect to Term SOFR has not occurred, then Term SOFR will be Term SOFR as published by the Term SOFR Adminstrator on the first preceding SOFR Business Day for which Term SOFR for such tenor was published by the Term SOFR Administrator so long as such first preceding SOFR Business Day is not more than three (3) SOFR Business Days prior to such interest lookback day; and (b) the Floor. Unless otherwise specified in any amendment to this Amended Loan Document entered into in connection with a benchmark replacement, in the event that a benchmark replacement with respect to Term SOFR is implemented, then all references herein to Term SOFR shall be deemed references to such benchmark replacement. View More
Term SOFR. Means: (a)for any Interest Period with respect to a Term SOFR Loan, the rate per annum equal to the Term SOFR Screen Rate two U.S. Government Securities Business Days prior to the commencement of such Interest Period with a term equivalent to such Interest Period; provided that if the rate is not published prior to 11:00 a.m. on such determination date then Term SOFR means the Term SOFR Screen Rate on the first U.S. Government Securities Business Day immediately prior thereto, in each case,... plus the SOFR Adjustment for such Interest Period; and (b)for any interest calculation with respect to a Base Rate Loan on any date, the rate per annum equal to the Term SOFR Screen Rate two U.S. Government Securities Business Days prior to such date with a term of one month commencing that day; provided that if the rate is not published prior to 11:00 a.m. on such determination date then Term SOFR means the Term SOFR Screen Rate on the first U.S. Government Securities Business Day immediately prior thereto, in each case, plus the SOFR Adjustment for such term; provided that that if Term SOFR determined in accordance with either of the foregoing provisions (a) or (b) of this definition would otherwise be less than 0%, Term SOFR shall be deemed 0% for purposes of this Amendment. View More
Term SOFR. The Term SOFR Reference Rate for a tenor comparable to the applicable Interest Period (provided that, if the applicable Interest Period is one week, then, prior to the first date on which the Term SOFR Administrator publishes a Term SOFR Reference Rate for a tenor of one week, the Term SOFR Reference Rate for an Interest Period of one week shall be the Term SOFR Reference Rate for a tenor comparable to an Interest Period of one month) on the day
Term SOFR. Means the Term SOFR reference rate for a one month tenor as administered by the Term SOFR Administrator and quoted by Bloomberg Finance L.P., or any quoting service or commonly available source utilized by Bank on the Determination Day; provided that if as of 5:00 p.m. (New York time) on the Determination Day, Term SOFR for such tenor has not been published by the Term SOFR Administrator, then the rate used will be Term SOFR for such tenor as published by the Term SOFR Administrator for the... immediately preceding U.S. Government Securities Business Day on which such rate was published on the Term SOFR Administrator's website so long as such immediately preceding U.S. Government Securities Business Day is not more than three (3) U.S. Government Securities Business Days prior to such Determination Day; and further provided if Term SOFR would be less than 0.75%, then it shall be deemed to be 0.75%. View More
Term SOFR. For the applicable corresponding tenor (or if any Available Tenor of a Benchmark does not correspond to an Available Tenor for the applicable Benchmark Replacement, the closest corresponding Available Tenor and if such Available Tenor corresponds equally to two Available Tenors of such Benchmark Replacement, the corresponding tenor of the shorter duration shall be applied), the forward-looking term rate based on SOFR that has been selected or recommended by the Relevant Governmental Body.
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