TSR Percentile Rank

Example Definitions of "TSR Percentile Rank"
TSR Percentile Rank. The percentage of Total Shareholder Return values among the Peer Group companies at the TSR Measurement Date that are equal to or lower than the Company's Total Shareholder Return at the TSR Measurement Date.
TSR Percentile Rank. Will be determined as follows: The nth ranked company out of the N companies (including Air Products) would have the following TSR Percentile Rank (N – n) TSR Percentile Rank = (N – 1) That is, if Air Products ranked 5th out of 16 companies, its TSR Percentile Rank would be 73.3% ((16-5)/(16-1)), which would give a Vesting Percentage of 193.3%.
TSR Percentile Rank. Means the percentile ranking of the Company's TSR among the TSRs for the Index Companies for applicable period determined by ranking the Index Companies from highest to lowest according to their respective TSRs, then calculating the TSR Percentile Rank relative to the other Index Companies as follows:P = 1 - ((R-1)/(N-1)) Where: "P" represents the TSR Percentile Rank rounded to the nearest whole percentile. "R" represents the Company's ranking among the Index Companies. "N" represents the... number of Index Companies. In determining the Company's TSR Percentile Rank for the applicable period, in the event that the Company's TSR for the period is equal to the TSR(s) of one or more other Index Companies for that same period, the Company's TSR Percentile Rank will be determined by ranking the Company's TSR for that period as being greater than such other Index Companies. View More
TSR Percentile Rank. Shall mean the percentage of Total Shareholder Return values among the Comparator Group companies at the TSR Measurement Date that are equal to or lower than the Company's Total Shareholder 1 Return at the TSR Measurement Date, provided that if the Company's Total Shareholder Return falls between the Total Shareholder Return of two companies in the Comparator Group, the TSR Percentile Rank shall be adjusted by interpolating the Company's Total Shareholder Return on a straight line... basis between the Total Shareholder Return of the two Comparator Group companies that are closest to the Company's. For example, if there were ten Comparator Group companies and the Company's Total Shareholder Return falls at the point that is equal to 75% of the difference between the 5th highest Total Shareholder Return and the 6th highest Total Shareholder Return of the Comparator Group companies at the TSR Measurement Date, the TSR Percentile Rank would be deemed to be 57.5%. For purposes of the TSR Percentile Rank calculation, the Company will be excluded from the group of Comparator Group companies. View More
TSR Percentile Rank. Means the Company’s percentile ranking relative to the Peer Group Members, based on TSR.
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