TSR Percentile Ranking
TSR Percentile Ranking. The relative ranking of the Corporation's Total Shareholder Return for the 2010-2012 Performance Cycle as compared to the Total Shareholder Return of the Peer Group companies during the 2010-2012 Performance Cycle, expressed as a percentile ranking.
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Marathon Oil Corp. contract
TSR Percentile Ranking. The relative ranking of the Corporation's Total Shareholder Return for the July 2011 December 2013 Performance Cycle as compared to the Total Shareholder Return of the Peer Group companies during the July 2011 December 2013 Performance Cycle, expressed as a percentile ranking
Found in
Marathon Oil Corp. contract
TSR Percentile Ranking. The relative ranking of the Corporation's Total Shareholder Return for the 2007-2009 Performance Cycle as compared to the Total Shareholder Return of the Peer Group companies during the 2007-2009 Performance Cycle, expressed as a percentile ranking
Found in
Marathon Oil Corp. contract
TSR Percentile Ranking. The relative ranking of the Corporation's Total Shareholder Return for the 2012-2014 Performance Cycle as compared to the Total Shareholder Return of the Peer Group companies during the 2012-2014 Performance Cycle, expressed as a percentile ranking
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Marathon Oil Corp. contract