TUR Performance Percentile

Example Definitions of "TUR Performance Percentile"
TUR Performance Percentile. The percentile ranking of the Company's Total Unitholder Return for a performance period among the Total Unitholder Returns of the Peer Group companies, ranked in descending order, for the performance period as determined at the end of the Performance Cycle
TUR Performance Percentile. The percentile ranking of the Company's Partnership's Total Unitholder Return for a performance period among the Total Unitholder Returns of the Peer Group companies, ranked in descending order, for the performance period as determined at the end of the Performance Cycle
TUR Performance Percentile. The percentile ranking of the Company's Partnership's Total Unitholder Return for a performance period among the Total Unitholder Returns of the Peer Group companies, ranked in descending order, for the performance period as determined at the end of the Performance Cycle
TUR Performance Percentile. The percentile ranking of the Company's Partnership's Total Unitholder Return for a performance period among the Total Unitholder Returns of the Peer Group companies, ranked in descending order, for the performance period as determined at the end of the Performance Cycle
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TUR Performance Percentile. The relative ranking of the Company's Total Unitholder Return for the Performance Cycle as compared to the Total Unitholder Return of the Peer Group companies during the Performance Cycle.
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