User Documentation

Example Definitions of "User Documentation"
User Documentation. The Documentation which NetSuite has determined may be distributed, as localized, to Customers, as communicated by NetSuite KK to Transcosmos under this Agreement.
User Documentation. The Shall mean the Documentation which NetSuite has determined may be distributed, as localized, to Customers, as communicated by NetSuite KK to Transcosmos Reseller under this Agreement.
View Variation
User Documentation. The Documentation which NetSuite determines may be distributed, as Localized, to Customers.
User Documentation. The portion of the Documentation which SFDC determines may be distributed, as Localized, to Customers along with the Localized Software.
User Documentation. Means the end-user instruction manual that usually accompanies the Software instructing end users in the use of the Software in both printed and electronic form.
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