Valid Claim

Example Definitions of "Valid Claim"
Valid Claim. Means (i) a claim in a patent that has been issued and that has not expired, lapsed or been disclaimed, or that has not been declared invalid by a final order (for which all appeal periods have passed and with respect to which there is no pending appeal) of a court of competent jurisdiction or the United States Patent and Trademark Office, or (ii) a claim in an examined patent application as long as (a) that application has not been canceled, withdrawn, abandoned or declared invalid and (b)... that claim has not been pending in substantially similar form without being granted for more than four (4) years after the actual filing date of the application; in each case in the Territory. View More
Valid Claim. A claim in an issued, unexpired patent that (i) has not been finally cancelled, withdrawn, abandoned or rejected by any administrative agency or other body of competent jurisdiction, (ii) has not been revoked, held invalid, or declared unpatentable or unenforceable in a decision of a court or other body of competent jurisdiction that is unappealable or unappealed within the time allowed for appeal, (iii) has not been rendered unenforceable through disclaimer or otherwise, and (iv) is not lost... through an interference proceeding. View More
Valid Claim. A claim of an issued or granted Licensed Patent in any country that has not expired or lapsed, been abandoned or cancelled, or held or declared invalid or unenforceable
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