Year of Service

Example Definitions of "Year of Service"
Year of Service. Each full year of a Participant's continuous employment or service with the Company (including a Successor Entity) from the Participant's employment or service start date with the Company through and including the Participant's Date of Termination. Unless otherwise determined by the Administrator in its sole discretion, in the case of a Participant who is a rehired employee or service provider (disregarding for this purpose a Participant's acceptance of reasonably similar employment or service... with any Successor Entity or Affiliate thereof in connection with a Change in Control), Years of Service shall not include the Participant's period of service with the Company prior to his or her rehiring View More
Year of Service. Each year of service as determined under the Savings Plan.
Year of Service. 365 days of Continuous Service
Year of Service. A Year of Service as credited under the Company 401(k) Plan
Year of Service. Each twelve (12) consecutive month period of a Participant's continuous employment with the Company or an Affiliate, as determined under the Savings Plan
Year of Service. Means each twelve (12) consecutive month period of a Participant's continuous employment or service with the Company or an Affiliate.
Year of Service. Or "Years of Service" means each completed year of employment with the Company which is credited in accordance with the method of crediting service used by the Company since the Employee's most recent hire date. Years of Service shall include service with any predecessor entity, as may be determined by the Company. Certain approved leaves of absence may be credited towards an Employee's Years of Service.
Year of Service. Has the meaning ascribed to such term in the MBIA Inc. Employee 401(k) Plan.
Year of Service. The same meaning as in the Loews Corporation Employees Savings Plan or any successor thereto
Year of Service. Each twelve (12) consecutive month period of full time employment with the Employer. No credit will be received for a partial Year of Service
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