
Example Definitions of "Amendment"
Amendment. Any capitalized term used in this Amendment not otherwise defined herein shall have the meaning ascribed to such term in the Warehouse Agreement.
Amendment. This Amendment
Amendment. The copy filed with the SEC pursuant to EDGAR.
Amendment. The definition of "Purchase Price" in Schedule 1 to the Loan Sale Agreement is hereby amended as follows: "Purchase Price" means, for each Purchaser Loan, an amount equal to [***] of the sum of (1) the Outstanding Principal Balance and (2) Interim Interest earned during the holding period, provided that for each Purchased Auto Loan, the Purchase Price shall mean an amount equal to the sum of (i) [***]and (ii) [***] of the Interim Interest earned during the holding period; or any other amount as... may be agreed by the parties. View More
Amendment. All terms and conditions used in this Amendment
Amendment. The First Amendment to Agreement and Plan of Merger among the Parties and the Equityholder Representative, dated as of November 3, 2020.
Amendment. No. 1 with initial letters capitalized shall have the meanings set forth in this Amendment No. 1 and, if not defined in this Amendment No. 1, shall have the meaning set forth in the Agreement.
Amendment. No. 3
Amendment. Constitutes an Incremental Facility Agreement and a Loan Document, each as defined in the Credit Agreement
Amendment. For the purposes of this Amendment, unless otherwise expressly defined, the terms used herein shall have the respective meanings assigned to them in the Loan Agreement.
All Definitions