Average Bonus

Example Definitions of "Average Bonus"
Average Bonus. Means the average of a Covered Executive's annual bonus payable under the Company's Annual Incentive Plan, or any successor thereto, during the three whole fiscal years immediately preceding such executive's Separation Date; provided that if a Covered Executive has not been employed by the Company during the three whole fiscal years preceding his or her Separation Date, such average shall be determined with respect to amounts payable during his or her actual period of eligibility.
Average Bonus. Shall mean the average of the last three (3) annual bonus payments, if any, made to Executive under the Company's Annual Non-Equity Incentive Program immediately preceding the Change of Control.
Average Bonus. Shall mean the average of the last three (3) annual bonus payments, if any, to Executive under HMI's Annual Incentive Cash Bonus Plan immediately preceding the Change of Control.
Average Bonus. Means, as of any date, the amount determined by adding the amount of cash bonus compensation awarded to Executive during the preceding twenty-four (24) months and dividing the sum of such amounts by two (2).
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