
Example Definitions of "Beneficiary"
Beneficiary. The person or persons entitled to receive any amounts owing to Executive under this Agreement upon Executive's death. Executive may designate a person or persons as Executive's Beneficiary under this Agreement. A Beneficiary designation shall be made on such form or forms as the Employer may provide, and the designation shall be effective only when filed with the Employer during Executive's lifetime. A Beneficiary designation can be changed at any time by Executive by filing a new Beneficiary... designation with the Employer. The revocation of a previous Beneficiary designation does not require the consent of any designated Beneficiary. If Executive has designated Executive's spouse as Beneficiary, and 1 subsequent to this designation, Executive is legally divorced, the Beneficiary designation naming the former spouse shall be automatically revoked. The foregoing sentence shall not preclude the former spouse from being Executive's designated Beneficiary pursuant to a Beneficiary designation made under this Agreement subsequent to the judgment of divorce. If no Beneficiary designation has been made or the designee has predeceased Executive, Executive is deemed to have designated the following as Beneficiaries, in the order named: (a) Executive's spouse, and if he does not have a spouse, (b) Executive's estate. View More
Beneficiary. The person(s) designated by the Executive to receive any death benefits described under Section 2(e) of the Agreement. The Executive shall designate his Beneficiary in writing to the Employer pursuant to procedures as may be established from time to time; provided, however, if no such designation has been made or if the Beneficiary predeceases Executive, the Beneficiary of Executive under this Agreement shall be Executive's legally-married spouse, if any, or, if there is no legally-married... surviving spouse, the Beneficiary shall be Executive's estate View More
Beneficiary. The meaning set forth in the Preamble of this Agreement
Beneficiary. Shall mean the Performance Eligible Participant's beneficiary under the Savings Plan and if the Performance Eligible Participant is not eligible to participate in the Savings Plan, the beneficiary or beneficiaries designated by the Performance Eligible Participant in the form and manner prescribed by the Company.
Beneficiary. Means, jointly, James River Insurance Company and James River Casualty Company and any successor of the Beneficiary by operation of law, including, without limitation, any liquidator, rehabilitator, receiver or conservator.
Beneficiary. The Person designated by an Award Recipient to receive any Shares subject to a Restricted Stock Award made to such Award Recipient that become distributable following the Award Recipient's death
Beneficiary. Shall mean the person or entity designated by Executive, by written instrument delivered to Employer, to receive the benefits payable under this Agreement in the event of his death. If Executive fails to designate a Beneficiary, or if no Beneficiary survives Executive, such death benefits shall be paid: (i) to his surviving spouse; or (ii) if there is no surviving spouse, to his living descendants per stirpes; or (iii) if there is neither a surviving spouse nor descendants, to his duly... appointed and qualified executor or personal representative. View More
Beneficiary. The person or entity designated by the Participant, in a form approved by the Company, to exercise the Participant's rights with respect to an Award after the Participant's death. If the Participant does not validly designate a Beneficiary, or if the designated person no longer exists, then the Participant's Beneficiary shall be his or her estate
Beneficiary. Means any one or more primary or secondary beneficiaries designated in writing by the Executive on a form provided by the Corporation to receive any benefits which may become payable under this Agreement on or after the Executive's death. The Executive shall have the right to name, change or revoke the Executive's designation of a Beneficiary on a form provided by the Corporation. The designation on file with the Corporation at the time of the Executive's death shall be controlling. Should the... Executive fail to make a valid Beneficiary designation or leave no named Beneficiary surviving, any benefits due shall be paid to the Executive's spouse, if living; or if not living, then to the Executive's estate. View More
Beneficiary. The president of the board of directors (président du conseil d'administration), the general manager (directeur général) and the deputy general managers (directeurs généraux délégués) or, as the case may be, the president and the members of the management board (président et membres du directoire) of the Company as well as any individual employed by the Company or by any Affiliated Company under the terms and conditions of an employment contract, it being specified that a term of... office of director of the Company or director of an Affiliated Company (remunerated or not) shall not be deemed to constitute an employment relationship View More
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