
Example Definitions of "Collateral"
Collateral. The property described on Exhibit D attached hereto
Collateral. As used herein, the following terms shall have the meanings set forth below: "Collateral" has the meaning provided in Section 2 hereof.
Collateral. Means all assets now or hereafter securing or intended to secure the payment and performance of the Senior Debt and the Subordinated Debt including without limitation all assets covered by any of the Senior Loan Security Documents and the Subordinated Loan Security Documents.
Collateral. Has the meaning set forth in Paragraph 4 hereof; provided however that, the Collateral shall expressly exclude each account of Debtor at UBS Financial Services Inc. or UBS International Inc., (collectively "UBS") as applicable, that is identified as a Collateral Account by Debtor in writing, together with all successors to those identified accounts, as set forth in that certain Credit Line Agreement by and between Debtor and UBS Bank USA for only so long and only to the extent that as any such... accounts or cash or assets in such accounts are security for Debtor's obligations to UBS pursuant to that certain credit agreement by and between the Borrower UBS Financial Services, Inc. dated as of October 3, 2007; and, otherwise such assets of Debtor shall by Collateral. View More
Collateral. Any property listed in, and for which a security interest is granted by any Security Agreement.
Collateral. Shall refer to such Grantor’s Collateral or the relevant part thereof.
Collateral. Means the (i) Pledged Shares and (ii) all dividends, interest and other sums which are or may become payable in respect of the Pledged Shares to any Person in its capacity as shareholder of, or holder of any equity interest in, such shares, including without limitation the right to receive any and all such sums and all claims in respect of any default in paying such sums, and all forms of remittance of such sums.
Collateral. Has the meaning set forth in Paragraph 4 hereof.
Collateral. The meaning ascribed in the New Senior Secured Loan
Collateral. All personal property of Debtor, including, without limitation, all of the following items, whether now owned or now due, or in which Debtor have an interest or hereafter, at anytime in the future, acquired, arising or to become due, or in which Debtor obtain an interest, and all products, proceeds, replacements, substitutions and accessions of or to any of the following, which to the extent not defined below, shall have the meanings given to them under the Code:(a) all accounts and accounts... receivable; (b) all inventory (including raw materials, work-in-process, finished goods and supplies); (c) all contract rights, including contract rights pursuant to leases of real estate; (d) all general intangibles (including, without limitation, payment intangibles, software, trademarks, patents, patents pending, copyrights, service marks, or other intellectual property rights of Debtor); (e) all equipment (including all machinery, furniture, and fixtures); (f) all farm products; (g) all goods; (h) all chattel paper (whether tangible or electronic); (i) all fixtures; (j) all investment property (including, without limitation, all financial assets, certificated and uncertificated securities, securities accounts and security entitlements); (k) all letter-of-credit rights; (l) all rights under judgments , all commercial tort claims, and choses in action; (m) all books, records and information relating to the Collateral and/or to the operation of Debtor' businesses and all rights of access to such books, records and information and all property in which such books, records and information are stored, recorded and maintained; (n) all instruments, promissory Notes, documents of title, documents, policies and certificates of insurance, securities, deposits, deposit accounts, money, cash or other property; (o) all federal, state and local tax refunds and/or abatements to which the Debtor are or becomes entitled no matter how or when arising, including, but not limited to, any loss carryback tax refunds; (p) all insurance proceeds, refunds and premium rebates, including without limitation proceeds of fire and credit insurance, whether any of such proceeds, refunds and premium rebates arise out of any of the foregoing (a-o) or otherwise; and (q) all liens, guaranties, rights, remedies and privileges pertaining to any of the foregoing (a-p), including the right of stoppage in transit. View More
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