Commercially Reasonable Efforts

Example Definitions of "Commercially Reasonable Efforts"
Commercially Reasonable Efforts. Means with respect to a given Person and a given activity or objective, the reasonable efforts and resources to accomplish such objective or activity that would be comparable with the efforts and resources commonly used in the manufacturing and biotechnology industry by a commercial entity of similar size in respect of personnel and financial resources as the applicable Person, expended in a manner and timing consistent with the exercise of prudent business judgment [****].
Commercially Reasonable Efforts. Means, with respect to (i) achieving any objective by Licensee, using diligent, good faith efforts to accomplish such objective as a similarly situated pharmaceutical or biotechnology company would normally use to accomplish a similar objective under similar circumstances; and (ii) with respect to any objective relating to the development or commercialization of any Licensed Product or Licensed Service by Licensee means those efforts and resources that would be used by Licensee with regard to... the development, manufacture and commercialization of biopharmaceutical products owned by it or to which it has rights, that is of similar market and profit potential, at a similar stage in development or product life (including without limitation the promptness with which such efforts and resources would be applied) as the applicable Licensed Product or Licensed Service and consistent in scope with those that would be applied by a similarly situated pharmaceutical or biotechnology company to the development and pursuit of regulatory approval of therapeutic candidates of commercial potential similar to the applicable Licensed Product or Licensed Service, in each case, taking into account all relevant factors, but in any case without regard to any payments owed to The Regents under this Agreement. View More
Commercially Reasonable Efforts. With respect to Company's obligations under this Agreement, efforts consistent with the efforts and resources as commonly used by a biotechnology company of comparable size and resources as Company for a product at a similar stage of research, development or commercialization having similar product characteristics at a similar stage in its development or product life, taking into account relevant factors including patent coverage, relative safety and efficacy, product profile, the... competitiveness of the marketplace, the proprietary position of such product, the regulatory structure involved, the market potential of such product and other relevant factors, including comparative technical, legal, scientific, medical and/or economic factors, all as measured by the facts and circumstances in effect at the time when the relevant activities are conducted View More
Commercially Reasonable Efforts. The level of efforts and resources, and the application of the requisite level of skills and experience, commonly used in the medical device industry by a company of similar size and with similar capital resources to the Party with respect to the development and commercialization of a product of similar commercial potential at a similar stage in its development or product life, taking into consideration its safety and efficacy, its cost to develop, manufacture and bring to market, the... prevalence of the therapeutic purpose for which it is intended, the competitiveness of alternative devices or systems, the patent and other proprietary position of such device or system, the likelihood of regulatory approval, market size and geographic dispersion, product sales cycle, and its profitability. View More
Commercially Reasonable Efforts. Means, in the case of either Party, with respect to any Product, those efforts and resources that such Party would typically devote to a product owned by it or to which it has rights of the type it has hereunder, which is of similar market potential at a similar stage in its development or product life, taking into account its relative potential safety and efficacy, competitive position, pricing and launching strategy, proprietary position and profitability and other relevant legal, medical,... regulatory, scientific or technical factors. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the use of Commercially Reasonable Efforts by a Party with respect to the promotion or marketing, or solicitation of customers for, Products shall require the use of efforts, standards and resources typically devoted by similarly situated companies engaged in the sale of FDA approved pharmaceutical products. View More
Commercially Reasonable Efforts. Of a Party means, with respect to an objective, the reasonable, diligent, good faith efforts of a Party, (which it may effect through the efforts of its Affiliates, and sublicensees) of the type to accomplish such objective as a similarly situated (with respect to size, stage of development, and assets) pharmaceutical company, as the case may be, would normally use to accomplish a similar objective under similar circumstances, it being understood and agreed that, with respect to efforts to be... expended in relation to a product (including implementation of development and commercialization strategies), such efforts shall be substantially equivalent to those efforts and resources that a similarly situated pharmaceutical company, as the case may be, would typically devote to its own internally discovered compound or product, which compound or product is at a similar stage in its development or product life and is of similar market and economic potential as products expected to result from the Compounds at a similar stage in their development or product life, taking into account the risks of development, the commercial potential for the Product, its proprietary position and other relevant factors. View More
Commercially Reasonable Efforts. Those commercially reasonable efforts by that Party similar to the efforts that Party, in good faith, would make in similar circumstances for its own operations without procrastination, taking into consideration costs, the market potential of the product, the stage of its development or product life, competitiveness of the marketplace, regulatory environment, the patent or other proprietary position of the product, and other conditions then prevailing. It is understood that a party's... "Commercially Reasonable Efforts" will not in any event require that Party to take any action that would be reasonably likely to result in a breach of any other provision of this Agreement, or that the Party in good faith believes may violate any applicable law or any order, permit, direction or license of any court or governmental authority having appropriate jurisdiction over the party and subject matter View More
Commercially Reasonable Efforts. The level of effort, expertise and resources that is substantially and materially consistent with industry standards for companies of similar size and resources to research, develop and commercialize the Product, provided such research, development and commercialization is technically feasible, devoting the degree of attention and diligence to such efforts that is substantially and materially consistent with industry standards for a product at a comparable stage in development or product life,... and taking into account, without limitation, issues of safety and efficacy, patent coverage, proprietary position, competitive environment, the regulatory environment, and other relevant scientific, technical, scientific, and/or medical factors View More
Commercially Reasonable Efforts. Means, with respect to a task related to a product, the efforts required to carry out such task in a diligent and sustained manner without undue interruption, pause or delay, which level is at least commensurate with the level of efforts that a pharmaceutical company of comparable size and resources as those of Parent and its Affiliates would devote to a product of similar potential (including commercial potential), taking into account its proprietary position and profitability (including... pricing and reimbursement status, but excluding the obligation to pay the Milestone Amounts under this Agreement), anticipated or actual market conditions and economic return potential, the regulatory environment, and other relevant technical, commercial, legal, scientific and/or medical factors. View More
Commercially Reasonable Efforts. With respect to any objective regarding a Product and at any particular time, that degree of effort, expertise and financial resources commonly used in the pharmaceutical industry by a company of a similar size as Mayfield is at such time to achieve such objective for a product that has a clinical indication and market potential similar to such Product which is at a similar stage in development or product life as such Product taking into account, without limitation, commercial, legal and... regulatory factors, target product profiles, product labeling, the regulatory environment and competitive market conditions and the efficacy of the Product View More
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