
Example Definitions of "Copyrights"
Copyrights. All items under copyright in various published and unpublished works of authorship including, without limitation, computer programs, computer data bases, other computer software layouts, trade dress, drawings, designs, writings and formulas (including, without limitation, the works set forth on Schedule 9 annexed hereto, as the same may be amended from time to time)
Copyrights. All registered and unregistered materials, works of authorship and similar materials relating to the Software belonging to Licensor
Copyrights. Shall mean all of the following: (a) all copyrights, works protectable by copyright, copyright registrations, and copyright applications of any Company, if any; (b) all renewals, extensions, and modifications thereof; (c) all income, royalties, damages, profits, and payments relating to or payable under any of the foregoing; (d) the right to sue for past, present, or future infringements of any of the foregoing; (e) all other rights and benefits relating to any of the foregoing throughout the... world; and (f) all goodwill associated with and symbolized by any of the foregoing; in each case, whether now owned or hereafter acquired by any Company. View More
Copyrights. Means all copyrights, copyright registrations and copyright applications now held or hereafter acquired by Grantor including, without limitation, any United States copyright to which Grantor now or hereafter has an interest as well as any application for a United States copyright made by Grantor, together with any renewals, reissues and extensions thereof, and any and all causes of action which may exist by reason of infringement thereof with the right to sue for and collect said damages... and the right to collect all royalties under any license agreements with respect to any such Copyrights. View More
Copyrights. All copyrights (whether or not registered), Moral Rights, and all registrations and applications for registration thereof, as well as rights to renew copyrights, in each case that are licensed by Company and/or otherwise used in the Acquired Business as currently operated.
Copyrights. Means all of the following now owned or hereafter acquired by the Grantor: (i) all copyrights, registrations and applications therefor, (ii) all renewals and extensions thereof, (iii) all income, royalties, damages and payments now and hereafter due or payable or both with respect thereto, including, without limitation, damages and payments for past or future infringements or misappropriations thereof, (iv) all rights to sue for past, present and future infringements or misappropriations... thereof, and (v) all other rights corresponding thereto throughout the world. View More
Copyrights. Means, with respect to any Person, all of such Person's right, title, and interest in and to the following: (a) all copyrights, rights and interests in copyrights, works protectable by copyright, copyright registrations, and copyright applications; (b) all renewals of any of the foregoing; (c) all income, royalties, damages, and payments now or hereafter due and/or payable under any of the foregoing, including, without limitation, damages or payments for past or future infringements for any of... the foregoing; (d) the right to sue for past, present, and future infringements of any of the foregoing; and (e) all rights corresponding to any of the foregoing throughout the world. View More
Copyrights. Means all domestic and foreign copyrights, whether registered or not, including all copyright rights throughout the universe (whether now or hereafter arising) in any and all media (whether now or hereafter developed), in and to all original works of authorship fixed in any tangible medium of expression, acquired or used by the Debtor, all applications, registrations and recordings thereof (including applications, registrations and recordings in the United States Copyright Office or in any... similar office or agency of the United States or any other country or any political subdivision thereof), and all reissues, divisions, continuations, continuations in part and extensions or renewals thereof. View More
Copyrights. All rights, title and interests (and all related IP Ancillary Rights) arising under any Requirement of Law in or relating to copyrights and all mask work, database and design rights, whether or not registered or published, all registrations and recordations thereof and all applications in connection therewith.
Copyrights. Means any and all registered and unregistered copyrights in both published and unpublished works and all sui generis rights in data and databases, and all moral rights therein, in each case that are used primarily in the Business.
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