Example Definitions of "EBITDA"
EBITDA. Means the consolidated net income of the applicable Person (excluding extraordinary, unusual or non-recurring gains and extraordinary losses (to the extent excluded in the definition of "EBITDA" (or similar defined term used for the purposes contemplated herein) in the relevant agreement relating to the applicable Portfolio Investment)) for the relevant period plus, without duplication, the following to the extent deducted in calculating such consolidated net income in the relevant agreement... relating to the applicable Portfolio Investment for such period: (i) consolidated interest charges for such period, (ii) the provision for federal, state, local and foreign income taxes payable for such period, (iii) depreciation and amortization expense for such period, and (iv) such other adjustments included in the definition of "EBITDA" (or similar defined term used for the purposes contemplated herein) in the relevant agreement relating to the applicable Portfolio Investment, provided that such adjustments are usual and customary and substantially comparable to market terms for substantially similar debt of other similarly situated borrowers at the time such relevant agreements are entered into as reasonably determined in good faith by the Borrower. View More
EBITDA. With respect to any Performance Period, net income or net loss of GECM (combined with any affiliate of GECM which receives revenue from any fund or account managed by GECM) plus (a) depreciation of fixed assets, amortization of intangible assets (but not amortization of right to use assets) and impairment charges, (b) provision for income taxes, (c) interest expense and debt related charges (e.g. extinguishment of debt and amortization of financing costs), (d) stock-based compensation, (e)... amounts payable under this Plan and (f) any fees, costs or expenses incurred by GECM or its affiliates in connection with the dispute with MAST Capital Management, LLC, ("MAST") including, without limitation, any indemnification of legal expenses of employees of GECM or any contractual termination payments or other liabilities assumed by GECM in connection therewith that were deducted in the calculation of net income or net loss of GECM. View More
EBITDA. Shall mean the income of the Employer increased by interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization, calculated in a manner consistent with the calculation of the Plan.
EBITDA. For the relevant time period, the amount equal to the sum of (a) Net Income during such period, plus (b) to the extent (but only to the extent) deducted in determining such Net Income, without duplication, (i) all interest expense for such period, (ii) all charges against Net Income for such period for federal, state and local income Taxes, (iii) all depreciation expenses for such period, (iv) all amortization expenses for such period, minus (c) to the extent (but only to the extent) added in... determining such Net Income (i) all interest income during such period, and (ii) the amount of any Annual Incentive Bonus payable to Employee or any other employee related to such period. EBITDA will be calculated using the same assumptions and adjustments (to the extent applicable) and the same guidance used to calculate the stated EBITDA of the Company ($7.12 million) for the year ended December 31, 2009 pursuant to the Purchaser's Quality of Earnings analysis. View More
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