Example Definitions of "EBITDA"
EBITDA. Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization, plus customary addbacks for non-cash charges and other adjustments to EBITDA made by Borrower consistent with its past practice and allowable in the calculation of adjusted EBITDA under the financial covenants in Borrower's financing agreements on the closing date.
EBITDA. Means, for any Company fiscal year, the cumulative earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization with respect to the Company, the Partnership and their Subsidiaries, as determined by the Company in its sole discretion.
EBITDA. Means with respect to any Person and for any Test Period, an amount equal to the sum of (a) Net Income (or loss) of such Person (prior to any impact from minority or non-controlling interests or joint venture net income and before deduction of any dividends on preferred stock of such Person), plus the following (but only to the extent actually included in determination of such Net Income (or loss)): (i) depreciation and amortization expense (other than those related to capital expenditures that... have not been included in the calculation of Fixed Charges), (ii) Interest Expense, (iii) income tax expense, and (iv) extraordinary or non-recurring gains, losses and expenses, including but not limited to transaction expenses relating to business combinations, other acquisitions and unconsummated transactions, (v) unrealized loan loss reserves, impairments associated with owned real estate, and other similar charges, including but not limited to reserves for loss sharing arrangement associated with mortgage servicing rights, (vi) realized losses on loans and loss sharing arrangements associated with mortgage servicing rights and (vii) unrealized gains, losses and expenses associated with (A) derivative liabilities including but not limited to convertible note issuances and (B) mortgage servicing rights (other than the initial revenue recognition of recording an asset), plus (b) such Person's proportionate share of Net Income (prior to any impact from minority or non-controlling interests or joint venture net income and before deduction of any dividends on preferred stock of such Person) of the joint venture investments and unconsolidated Affiliates of such Person, all with respect to such period. View More
EBITDA. With respect to any Person and its consolidated Subsidiaries, for any period, an amount equal to the sum of (a) Consolidated Net Income, of such Person (prior to any impact from minority interests or joint venture net income and before deduction of any dividends on preferred stock of such Person), plus the following (but only to the extent actually included in determination of such Consolidated Net Income): (i) depreciation and amortization expense, (ii) Interest Expense, (iii) income tax... expense, and (iv) extraordinary or nonā€recurring gains and losses, plus (b) such Person's proportionate share of Consolidated Net Income of the joint venture investments and unconsolidated Affiliates of such Person, all with respect to such period, plus (c) amounts deducted in accordance with GAAP in respect of other non-cash expenses in determining such Consolidated Net Income for such Person. View More
EBITDA. As applies to any Person, the sum of earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization.
EBITDA. EBITDA for the Bonus Year as reported to the Board by the senior management of the Company (subject to any adjustment resulting from the audited financial results of the Company for such Bonus Year)
EBITDA. Shall mean, with respect to Guarantor and its Consolidated Subsidiaries and any fiscal quarter, determined without duplication on a consolidated basis in accordance with GAAP, an amount equal to the sum of Net Income (or loss) of such Person, plus the following (but only to the extent actually included in determination of such Net Income (or loss)): (i) depreciation and amortization expense, (ii) Interest Expense, (iii) income tax expense, (iv) extraordinary or non-recurring gains and losses... (including, for avoidance of doubt, gains or losses on commercial mortgage backed securities owned by Guarantor and/or its Consolidated Subsidiaries), and (v) amounts deducted in accordance with GAAP in respect of non-cash expenses, all with respect to such period. View More
EBITDA. Means, in relation to any period, the consolidated operating profit of the Group for such period before any of the following items and without double-counting: (a) before any deduction of corporate tax or other taxes on income gains; (b) before any deduction for interest payable and interest in respect of subordinated debt; (c) after deducting (to the extent otherwise included) interest receivable; (d) after deducting (to the extent otherwise included) the amount of profit (or adding back the... amount of loss) of any Group Company (other than the Company) which is attributable to any third party (other than a Group Company) which is a shareholder in that Group Company; (e) after adding back or deducting, as the case may be, the amount of any loss or gain against book value arising on a disposal of any asset (other than stock disposed of in the ordinary course of trading), to the extent included in arriving at EBITDA; (f) before deducting amortisation of any goodwill or any intangible assets; (g) before deducting all depreciation whatsoever; (h) after adding back or deducting, as the case may be, any unrealized loss or gain due to exchange rate movements to the extent included in the calculation of EBITDA; (i) excluding any extraordinary and such non-recurring items which, in case of an accumulated amount in excess of SEK 250,000, are approved by the Bank (acting reasonably); and (j) after adding interest income generated from the customer financing business. View More
EBITDA. On a consolidated basis for Maker, for a specified period, the sum of (a) net income (or loss) for such period (excluding extraordinary, unusual or nonrecurring gains and losses), plus (b) all interest expense for such period, plus (c) all charges against income for such period for federal, state and local taxes, plus (d) depreciation expenses for such period, plus (e) amortization expenses for such period
EBITDA. (v) any income or gain in respect of the Helium VPP.
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