
Example Definitions of "Field"
Field. Therapeutics and prophylactics limited to the generation of DNA-based HIV-1 vaccines.
Field. Use for Diagnostic Kits in patients and for related services applying the T-SPOT Method.
Field. Cancer diagnostics and companion clinical uses.
Field. The diagnosis, treatment, prevention or cure of multiple myeloma and its direct complications including but not limited to bone disease, renal dysfunction, anemia and amyloidosis, all as they are related to multiple myeloma
Field. Shall mean the monitoring and/or analyzing of metabolic activity profiles.
Field. Shall mean treatment, prevention or diagnosis of all indications, or any pharmaceutical use, in humans.
Field. Primary Field and Secondary Field collectively. Any commercial sale of research reagents covered by the Patent Rights is specifically excluded from the Field. The foregoing shall not be interpreted to prevent Company, its Affiliates or corporate partners from performing research related to discovery or development of Licensed Products for itself or any Affiliate or Sublicensee.
Field. Therapeutics, prophylactics and diagnostics arising from the use of RNAi to (a) inhibit human cytomegalovirus Immediate Early (IE) gene expression, (b) inhibit mutant SOD1 gene expression in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) applications, and (c) inhibit gene targets implicated in type II diabetes and obesity.
Field. Inhibition of mutant superoxide dismutase (SOD1) gene expression for the treatment of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) including therapeutics, prophylactics and diagnostics.
Field. The limited use of RNAi to inhibit human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) Immediate Early (IE) gene expression for the development of retinitis prophylactics, therapeutics, and diagnostics.
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