Incentive Compensation

Example Definitions of "Incentive Compensation"
Incentive Compensation. Compensation to be paid in the amount determined by the Committee pursuant to Section 6 below
Incentive Compensation. Compensation For each Participant, compensation to be paid in the amount determined by the Committee pursuant to Section 6 below
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Incentive Compensation. Means the amount of cash and/or securities paid to you under all bonus, incentive or other programs for performance adopted by Company for its executive officers or other key employees.
Incentive Compensation. All compensation payable in cash pursuant to the terms of an incentive or bonus compensation plan to an Executive Officer for services rendered as an Executive Officer
Incentive Compensation. The compensation payable or paid to Executive pursuant to Agreement paragraph 4(b).
Incentive Compensation. Shall mean any annual cash bonuses, as determined in accordance with any annual bonus plan adopted by the Company's Compensation Committee, to which the Executive is entitled for each fiscal year during his term of employment
Incentive Compensation. With respect to any calendar year, the annual incentive bonus paid or payable under any applicable plan or program of the Company (or a subsidiary) providing for incentive compensation
Incentive Compensation. Compensation paid to Employee as set forth in paragraph 7 of this Agreement.
Incentive Compensation. Bonuses, extra and other compensation payable in addition to a salary or other base amount, whether contingent or not, whether discretionary or required to be paid pursuant to an agreement, resolution, arrangement, plan or practice, and whether payable currently or on a deferred basis, in cash, Common Stock or other property.
Incentive Compensation. Means with respect to any calendar year, the annual incentive bonus the Executive would have been entitled to receive under any applicable plan or program of the Company (or of a subsidiary) providing for incentive compensation had he remained employed by the Company and assuming that performance at the level designated as "target" for such calendar year had been met.
Incentive Compensation. Any bonus or award received, or which the Executive is eligible to receive, under any corporate incentive plan or under any corporate long-term incentive plan maintained by the Corporation (or any successor to any such plan).
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