Initiating Holders

Example Definitions of "Initiating Holders"
Initiating Holders. Holders who in the aggregate hold at least 25% of the Registrable Securities
Initiating Holders. The holders of at least a majority of the Registrable Securities
Initiating Holders. Shall mean and include (i) the Lead Investor or (ii) any Holder or Holders (other than the Lead Investor) of more than 50% of the then Registrable Securities (not including the Lead Investor's Registrable Securities); provided that such Holder or Holders (other than the Lead Investor) then own at least One Million (1,000,000) Registrable Securities
Initiating Holders. Means, collectively, Holders who properly initiate a registration or shelf takedown request, as applicable, under this Agreement.
Initiating Holders. Either (a) Investors holding in the aggregate a majority of the Registrable Securities and which are then held by the Investors, or (b) other Holders holding in the aggregate a majority of the Registrable Securities (assuming for purposes of such determination the conversion of all shares convertible into Registrable Securities)
Initiating Holders. Means the Holder(s) delivering the Underwritten Shelf Takedown Demand.
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