Just Cause

Example Definitions of "Just Cause"
Just Cause. With respect to termination of employment, means an act or acts of personal dishonesty, incompetence, willful misconduct, breach of 2 fiduciary duty involving personal profit, failure to perform stated duties, willful violation of any law, rule, or regulation (other than traffic violations or similar offenses) or final cease-and-desist order. In determining incompetence, acts or omissions shall be measured against standards generally prevailing in the banking industry, as determined by the... Board of Directors of the Bank or the Company in its sole discretion. View More
Just Cause. Means (i) a material breach of this Agreement by Employee; (ii) a breach of Employee's duty of loyalty to the Company or any act of dishonesty with respect to the Company or its stockholders, customers or suppliers; (iii) Employee's continued failure or refusal to perform, in any material respect, any duty or responsibility to the Company which is normally attached to Employee's position(after notice and a 10-day cure period), provided, however, any subsequent failure or refusal to perform such... duty or responsibility shall entitle the Company to terminate employment for Just Cause without notice or an opportunity to cure; (iv) Employee's gross negligence or willful misconduct in performing those duties which are normally attached to Employee's position; (v) the commission by Employee of an act of fraud, conversion, misappropriation (including the unauthorized use or disclosure of confidential or proprietary information of the Company) or embezzlement or crime of moral turpitude; (vi) a conviction of or guilty plea or confession by Employee to any fraud, conversion, misappropriation, embezzlement or felony; (vii) the exposure of the Company to any criminal liability or loss of business opportunity or reduction in revenues or increase in losses substantially caused by the conduct of Employee which results in a material adverse effect upon the Company's business, operations, financial condition or results of operations or the exposure of the Company to any bona fide claims which may result in civil liability caused by Employee's unlawful harassment in employment; or (viii) the repeated taking of any action prohibited (a) by the Board or any of the Executive Officers, provided that Employee has received at least one written notice of having taken an action so prohibited, or (b) by this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, "Employee's duty of loyalty to the Company" shall include Employee's fiduciary obligation to place the interests of the Company ahead of Employee's personal interests and thereby not knowingly profit personally at the expense of the Company, and shall also include specifically the affirmative obligation to disclose promptly to the Board any known conflicts of interest Employee may have with respect to the Company, and the negative obligations not to usurp corporate opportunities of the Company, not to engage in any "conflict-of-interest" transactions with the Company (without the approval of the Board), and not to compete directly with the Company (without the approval of the Board). View More
Just Cause. Termination of the Participant's employment with the Premier Group by a member of the Premier Group as a result of conduct by the Participant amounting to: (i) commission or omission of any act of dishonesty, moral turpitude, fraud, embezzlement, theft, misappropriation, breach of fiduciary duty, or breach of the duty of loyalty in connection with the Participant's employment with a Premier Group member or against any Premier Group partner hospital, affiliated health care organization or... customer; (ii) willful misconduct, insubordination, or repeated refusal or unwillingness to follow the reasonable directives of the Board of Directors / Managers of a Premier Group member and/or the Participant's Premier Group employer, the Chief Executive Officer of the Participant's Premier Group employer, or the Participant's immediate supervisor(s); (iii) willful action or inaction with respect to the Participant's performance of his or her employment duties that constitutes a violation of law or governmental regulations or that causes a Premier Group member to violate such law or regulation; (iv) a material breach of any securities or other law or regulation or any Premier Group policy governing inappropriate disclosures or 'tipping' related to (or the trading or dealing of) securities, stock or investments; (v) excessive absenteeism not related to authorized sick leave, authorized family/medical leave, authorized disability leave, authorized vacation, authorized military leave or other authorized statutory leave within the parameters set forth in accordance with Premier Group policies and procedures regarding the same; (vi) a conviction, guilty plea or plea of nolo contendere by the Participant for any crime involving moral turpitude or dishonesty or for any felony; (vii) material breach or violation of the terms of employment or other agreements to which the Participant and one or more members of the Premier Group are party; or (viii) breach or violation of material policies, rules, procedures or instructions of a Premier Group member. For purposes of this definition only, no act or failure to act by a Participant shall be deemed 'willful' if done or omitted to be done by the Participant in good faith and with the reasonable belief that the Participant's act or omission was in the best interest of the Premier Group and consistent with Premier Group policies and applicable law. Further, any act or failure to act based on and consistent with (a) instructions pursuant to a resolution duly adopted by the Board of Directors / Managers of a Premier Group member, (b) instructions of the applicable Board Chair as authorized by such Boards, or (c) the advice of Premier Group counsel shall be presumed to be done or omitted to be done by the Participant in good faith and in the best interests of the Premier Group. View More
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