Licensed Patents

Example Definitions of "Licensed Patents"
Licensed Patents. (a) all patents and patent applications worldwide, now or in the future, that are owned (in whole or in part) or controlled by, or assigned to, VirnetX, Inc. or any entity that, as of the Amendment Effective Date, Controls, is Controlled by, or is under common Control with VirnetX, Inc. (including, without limitation, the Patents-In-Suit and the patents and applications set forth on Exhibit A); and (b) all patents and applications related to such patents and applications (including, without... limitation, originals, divisionals, provisionals, re-exams, re-exam certificates, extensions, reissues, counterparts, parents, continuations, and continuations-in-part) in all countries of the world. View More
Licensed Patents. The Patents and Patent Applications set forth on Exhibit 1.30 and any other Patents or Patent Applications Controlled by Epirus or its Affiliates during the Term of this Agreement that are necessary to develop, use, sell, offer for sale, import or export Products in the Territory
Licensed Patents. Means Letters Patent of the United States No. 6,889,695 and Letters Patent of the United States No. 7,645,276, and all foreign equivalents, continuations, continuations-in-part, divisionals, reissues, and reexaminations thereof.
Licensed Patents. Means: (a) the patents and patent applications listed on Schedule 1, (b) any additional patent applications filed by BRAHMS or its Affiliate relating to the detection and/or measurement of one or more Biomarkers, and methods and compositions relating thereto, (c) all divisional, continuations, continuations-in-part and similar applications filed based on the patents and applications referred to in subclause (a) or (b) above, (d) all patents issuing from any patent applications referred to in... subclauses (a), (b) or (c) above, and (e) all re-examination and reissues and extensions of all the foregoing patents. View More
Licensed Patents. Means collectively the EXCLUSIVE PATENTS and the NON-EXCLUSIVE PATENTS.
Licensed Patents. EP patent application number 97201725.5, filed Jun 06 1997, entitled Type - 1 Ribosome-Inactivating Protein and all patent applications, issued patents and/or patents issuing from pending patent applications and all continuations, divisions, reissues, continuations-in-part, renewals, extensions, and the like now or hereafter owned or controlled by Licensor containing claims that would be infringed by importing, making, using, or selling Licensed Products, including International Application... Number PCT/NL/98/00336 filed Jun 08 1998 and published as WO 98/55623, those set forth in Exhibit A and any other patents owned or controlled by Licensor directed to or claiming Licensed Technology that are required to import, make, use, or sell Licensed Products View More
Licensed Patents. Means the patents and patent applications assigned to or owned by Energy Recovery related to the VorTeq Licensed Technology, including, but not limited to, those patents and patent applications listed in Schedule 8 together with all patents that issue therefrom and all continuations, divisionals, extensions, substitutions, reissues, re-examinations and renewals, of any of the foregoing.
Licensed Patents. Means (i) the Joint Patents and the HKUST Patents and any patent applications and patents claiming Sponsored Research Results (ii) all provisional applications, continuations, continuations-in-part, divisions, reissues, renewals, and patents granted thereon, all patents-of-addition, reissue patents, re-examinations and extensions or restorations by existing or future extension or restoration mechanisms, including, without limitation, supplementary protection certificates or the equivalent... thereof, all solely to the extent related to the foregoing; and (iii) any other U.S., foreign or international patent or patent application obtained by Licensor/s and/or HKUST (as the registered owner/s) in respect of the Licensed Know-How. Exhibits A1 and A2 shall include and shall be updated from time to time to reflect inclusion of new Licensed Patents described in (i), (ii) and (iii) above. View More
Licensed Patents. Means all patents and patent applications in the Territory which cover Captisol, or its composition, manufacture, import, sale or use, or the composition, manufacture, import, sale or use of Licensed Product, and which now or at any time during the Term are owned by CyDex or any Affiliate of CyDex or licensed to CyDex or any CyDex Affiliate with the right to sublicense, including any and all extensions, renewals, continuations, substitutions, continuations-in-part, divisions,... patents-of-addition, reissues, reexaminations and/or supplementary protection certificates to any such patent applications and patents. Set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto is a list of the Licensed Patents as of the Effective Date. Such Exhibit A may be updated or corrected by CyDex from time to time during the Term as necessary to make the list complete, provided a failure to so update or correct the list shall not have any effect on the scope of the definition. View More
Licensed Patents. Means (a) the patent application listed on Exhibit A, attached hereto; and (b) any substitutions, divisions, and continuations thereof, and any continuations-in-part thereof (but only to the extent that claims in such continuations-in-part are described in the specification of the parent patent application), (c) any patents issued from the foregoing patent applications; (d) any reissues, renewals, registrations, confirmations, re-examinations and extensions of such patents; and (e) all foreign... counterparts of the foregoing in the Territory. View More
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