Licensed Technology

Example Definitions of "Licensed Technology"
Licensed Technology. The Patent Rights and Know-How.
Licensed Technology. All technology, confidential information, data, inventions, materials, know-how, trade secrets, and all other information or materials relevant to the business or research interests associated with this Agreement, including but not limited to products and product plans, ongoing research and development efforts, and other information of a technical or economic nature made available by Licensor to Licensee in support of the development and marketing of Licensed Products, particularly information... and samples relating to the bouganin gene, protein, and their properties and uses. Licensed Technology shall also include any and all bouganin related technology, data, inventions, materials, know-how, trade secrets, and all other information or materials conceived or developed as a result of Licensee's activities under the terms of this Agreement View More
Licensed Technology. All Merck Technology and Merck's interest in Joint Program Technology.
Licensed Technology. Means (i) the Licensed Patents; and (ii) the Licensed Know-How.
Licensed Technology. The Licensed Patents and the Licensed Know-How.
Licensed Technology. All of LICENSOR's technology, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY, and related enhancements created or developed by LICENSOR and described in LICENSOR'S patents and patent applications and related trade secrets as more particularly described in Exhibit A, which is attached to this Agreement and by reference is incorporated herein and made part of this Agreement.
Licensed Technology. The term "Licensed Technology" shall mean the Licensed Patent Rights, Licensed Know-How and Licensed Biological Materials.
Licensed Technology. The Licensed Intellectual Property and the Licensed Know-How.
Licensed Technology. Licensed Patents and Licensed Know-How
Licensed Technology. Means, collectively, the Licensed Process Technology, Licensed Backend Technology, Licensed PDKs, Legacy PDK Technology, Licensed Semiconductor Technology, Licensed Background Technology, Miscellaneous Technology, and Licensed Technical Information.
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