Option Agreement

Example Definitions of "Option Agreement"
Option Agreement. This Option agreement between the Company and Participant evidencing the terms and conditions of this Option
Option Agreement. A written agreement between the Company and a recipient evidencing the terms and conditions of an individual Option grant. The Option Agreement shall be in the form approved by the Board from time to time. Each Option Agreement shall be subject to the terms and conditions of the Plan
Option Agreement. Any agreement or other instrument evidencing a grant or award of Stock Options under an Equity Plan
Option Agreement. Means that certain Option Agreement dated the date hereof between the Parties.
Option Agreement. A Stock Option Agreement, in the form of Exhibit A attached hereto, between the Company and an Optionee
Option Agreement. The Option Agreement under which the Borrowers grant to the Lender the right to acquire certain interests the Australian Properties in the form attached as Exhibit A hereto
Option Agreement. Shall mean a written agreement evidencing any Option granted by the Company hereunder and signed by both the Company and the Participant.
Option Agreement. An agreement between the Company and an Eligible Participant to evidence the terms and conditions of the issuance of Options hereunder
Option Agreement. The meaning set forth in the recitals
Option Agreement. This Nonstatutory Stock Option Agreement between the Company and the Participant.
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