Patent License

Example Definitions of "Patent License"
Patent License. All agreements, whether written or oral, providing for the grant by or to an Obligor of any right to manufacture, use or sell any invention covered by a Patent, including, without limitation, any thereof referred to in Schedule 6.17 of the Credit Agreement.
Patent License. All United States license agreements with any other person in connection with any of the Patents or such other person's patents, whether the Grantor is a licensor or a licensee under any such license agreement, including, without limitation, the license agreements listed on Schedule II hereto and made a part hereof, subject, in each case, to the terms of such license agreements and the right to prepare for sale, sell and advertise for sale, all inventory now or hereafter covered by such... licenses. View More
Patent License. All of the following now owned or hereafter acquired by any Grantor or in which any Grantor now has or hereafter acquires any rights: to the extent assignable by any Grantor, any written agreement granting any right to make, use, sell, and/or practice any invention or discovery that is the subject matter of a Patent
Patent License. Shall mean all agreements, whether written or oral, providing for the grant to any Company of any right to manufacture, use or sell any invention covered by a Patent.
Patent License. Means any Contract providing for the grant by Debtor of any right to manufacture, use or sell any invention covered by a Patent.
Patent License. Means any written agreement in which Grantor now holds or hereafter acquires any right, title or interest, which agreement grants any right with respect to any Patent (whether Grantor is the licensee or the licensor thereunder) including, without limitation, licenses pursuant to which Grantor has obtained the exclusive right to use a patent owned by a third party, a sublicense to use a patent, a distribution agreement regarding one or more patented products or processes and the right to prepare... for sale, sell or advertise for sale, all of the inventory now or hereafter owned by Grantor and now or hereafter covered by such license agreements. View More
Patent License. Means any agreement, now or hereafter in existence, providing for the grant by, or to, any Grantor of any rights (including, without limitation, the right for a party to be designated as an owner and/or to enforce, defend, make, have made, make improvements, manufacture, use, sell, import, export, and require joinder in suit and/or receive assistance from another party) covered in whole or in part by a Patent.
Patent License. Any agreement now or hereafter in existence granting to the Debtor, or pursuant to which the Debtor grants to any other person, any right with respect to any Patent or any invention now or hereafter in existence, whether patentable or not, whether a patent or application for patent is in existence on such invention or not, and whether a patent or application for patent on such invention may come into existence or not, including any agreement identified in Schedule 1 to any Patent Security... Agreement. View More
Patent License. All of the following to the extent now owned or hereafter acquired by any of the Debtors or in which any of the Debtors now has or hereafter acquires any rights: to the extent assignable or transferable by any Debtor, any written agreement granting any right to make, use, sell, and/or practice any invention or discovery that is the subject matter of a Patent, in each case to the extent assignable or transferable, without third party consent, by any Debtor; provided, that, the Company has... identified on Schedule A attached hereto those Patents Licenses that are not assignable or transferable without third party consent. View More
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