Performance Measures

Example Definitions of "Performance Measures"
Performance Measures. Any performance measures as determined by the Committee in its sole discretion and set forth in the applicable Incentive Award Agreement for purposes of determining the applicable Performance Goal.
Performance Measures. Measures as described in Paragraph 16
Performance Measures. The goal(s) (or combined goal(s)), as determined by the Committee to be applicable to a Participant's Award. As determined by the Committee, the Performance Measures applicable to an Award may be described in terms of Company-wide objectives and/or objectives that are related to the performance of an individual Participant or of a Subsidiary or division in which the Participant is employed or be established relative to a comparison with other corporations or an external index or indicator, or... relative to a comparison with performance in a prior period, as the Committee deems appropriate. Performance Measures may differ among Participants and Awards and may include, without limitation, the following: earnings or profitability measures (which include net income, operating income, income (loss) per common share from continuing operations, either basic or fully diluted, net income (loss) per common share, either basic or fully diluted, earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (including without limitation adjusted EBITDA), earnings before interest and taxes, any pre-established derivative of revenue (gross, operating, or net), pre-tax operating income, inventory turnover or inventory shrinkage, sales growth and volumes, percentage increase in total net revenue, and economic profit or value created); expense and efficiency measures (which include gross margins, cost of goods sold, mark-ups or mark-downs, operating margins, selling, general and administrative expense, and other pre-established operating expenses); return measures (which include total stockholder return, stock price, return on assets, return on investment, return on capital, and return on equity); cash flow measures (which include cash flow, free cash flow, cash flow return on investment, and net cash provided by operations); achievement of balance sheet, income statement, or cash-flow statement objectives; strategic or operational business criteria, consisting of one or more objectives based on meeting specified market penetration, geographic expansion or new concept development goals; cost targets; customer satisfaction; employee satisfaction; human resources goals, including staffing, training and development and succession planning; supervision of litigation and information technology; environmental, social and governance ('ESG') or sustainability goals; goals relating to human capital management; and goals relating to acquisitions or divestitures of subsidiaries, affiliates or joint ventures. View More
Performance Measures. The consolidated financial or operational performance metrics of the Company and the performance objectives for individual Participants set forth in Section 5 of this Plan and such other Company and individual performance measures and objectives as the Committee may designate in its sole and absolute discretion
Performance Measures. May include but are not limited to contribution targets and EBITDA
Performance Measures. One or more of the following criteria on which Performance Goals may be based: (i) Earnings (either in the aggregate or on a per-share basis); (ii) Net income (before or after taxes); (iii) Operating income; (iv) Cash flow; (v) Return measures (including return on assets, equity, or sales); (vi) Earnings before or after any, or any combination of, taxes, interest or depreciation and amortization; (vii) Gross revenues; (viii) Share price (including growth measures and stockholder return or... attainment by the Company's common stock of a specified value for a specified period of time); (ix) Reductions in expense levels in each case, where applicable, determined either on a Company-wide basis or in respect of any one or more business units; (x) Net economic value; (xi) Market share; (xii) Operating profit; (xiii) Costs; (xiv) Operating and maintenance cost management and employee productivity; (xv) Stockholder returns (including return on assets, investments, equity, or gross sales); (xvi) Economic value added; (xvii) Aggregate product unit and pricing targets; (xviii) Strategic business criteria, consisting of one or more objectives based on meeting specified revenue, market share, market penetration, geographic business expansion goals, objectively identified project milestones, production volume levels, cost targets, and goals relating to acquisitions or divestitures; (xix) Achievement of business or operational goals such as market share and/or business development; (xx) Results of customer satisfaction surveys; (xxi) Safety record; (xxii) Network and service reliability; (xxiii) Debt ratings, debt leverage and debt service; and/or (xxiv) Operating ratio; provided, that, with respect to any Eligible Employee who is not a Covered Employee, the Committee shall have the authority to use Performance Measures other than those herein specified (including individual performance criteria) as it deems appropriate in its sole discretion View More
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