Pledged Collateral

Example Definitions of "Pledged Collateral"
Pledged Collateral. With respect to each Pledgor, all of such Pledgor's present and future right, title and interest in and to the following: (i) as of the date of this Agreement, the Equity Interests described on Schedule A hereto and made a part hereof, the Equity Interests hereafter described in any Pledge Supplement or Addendum, and all investment property, capital stock, shares, securities, warrants, options, put rights, call rights, similar rights, and all other ownership or participation interests related... to such pledged Equity Interests and the revenue, income, or profits thereof (the 'Investments'); (ii) all rights and privileges pertaining to the Investments, including, without limitation, all present and future Investments receivable in respect of or in exchange for any Investments, all rights under shareholder agreements and other similar agreements relating to any Investments, and all rights to subscribe for Investments, whether or not incidental to or arising from ownership of any Investments; (iii) all cash, interest, stock and other dividends or distributions paid or payable on any of the foregoing, and together with whatever is received when any of the foregoing is sold, exchanged, replaced or otherwise disposed of, including all proceeds, as such term is defined in the UCC; and (iv) all cash and non-cash proceeds (including, without limitation, insurance proceeds) of any of the foregoing property, all products thereof, and all additions and accessions thereto, substitutions therefor and replacements thereof; provided, however, that 'Pledged Collateral' does not include any Equity Interests of an Unrestricted Subsidiary View More
Pledged Collateral. Pledged Debt, Pledged Interests and all proceeds thereof
Pledged Collateral. Means all Pledged Ownership Interests together with all proceeds thereof, including any securities and moneys received and at the time held by the Pledgee hereunder.
Pledged Collateral. Means (a) the Pledged Securities, and any Certificates or other written evidences representing the Pledged Securities and any interest of the Grantor in the entries on the books of any securities intermediary or financial intermediary pertaining to the Pledged Securities, (b) any and all existing and future Intercompany Notes, (c) the by-laws, partnership or operating agreement(s) and other charter documents of each Interest Issuer, in each case as amended from time to time (each, a "Governing... Agreement"), (d) any and all rights, powers, remedies and privileges of the Grantor as a general or limited partner or member of the Interest Issuer, including all rights under the Governing Agreement and applicable Law (i) to receive its share of profits, income, capital distributions and surplus from each Interest Issuer, whether in the form of cash, properties or other assets, and whether upon a sale or refinancing of any of the Interest Issuer's assets, in the ordinary course of business, upon dissolution and liquidation or otherwise, and (ii) to vote the Pledged Securities or manage the Interest Issuer, and (e) any and all proceeds and products of any of the foregoing, whether now held and existing or hereafter acquired or arising, including any and all cash, securities, instruments and other property from time to time paid, payable or otherwise distributed in respect of or in exchange for any or all of the foregoing (collectively, the "Proceeds"). View More
Pledged Collateral. The meaning set forth in Paragraph 4(c)(i)
Pledged Collateral. Means all Instruments, Securities and other Investment Property of the Obligors constituting Collateral, whether or not physically delivered to PBGC pursuant to this Security Agreement.
Pledged Collateral. The Pledged LLC Interests and all Proceeds and any other securities, instruments, general intangibles and other amounts or properties attributable thereto.
Pledged Collateral. Certain property of the Borrower, as more fully described in the Pledge Agreement
Pledged Collateral. And include the following with respect to each Company: (i) the capital stock, shares, securities, investment property, member interests, partnership interests, warrants, options, put rights, call rights, similar rights, and all other ownership or participation interests, in any Company and K. Hovnanian JV Holdings, L.L.C. owned or held by any Pledgor at any time including those in any Company hereafter formed or acquired, and (ii) all rights and privileges pertaining thereto, including without... limitation, all present and future securities, shares, capital stock, investment property, dividends, distributions and other ownership interests receivable in respect of or in exchange for any of the foregoing, all present and future rights to subscribe for securities, shares, capital stock, investment property or other ownership interests incident to or arising from ownership of any of the foregoing, all present and future cash, interest, stock or other dividends or distributions paid or payable on any of the foregoing, and all present and future books and records (whether paper, electronic or any other medium) pertaining to any of the foregoing, including, without limitation, all stock record and transfer books and (iii) whatever is received when any of the foregoing is sold, exchanged, replaced or otherwise disposed of, including all proceeds, as such term is defined in the Code, thereof; provided, however, that notwithstanding any of the other provisions set forth in this Agreement, this Agreement shall not constitute a grant of a security interest in, and the Pledged Collateral shall not include, (A) any property or assets constituting "Excluded Property" (as defined in the Credit Agreement) or (B) any property to the extent that such grant of a security interest is prohibited by any applicable Law of an Official Body, requires a consent not obtained of any Official Body pursuant to such Law or is prohibited by, or constitutes a breach or default under or results in the termination of or gives rise to any right of acceleration, modification or cancellation or requires any consent not obtained under, any contract, license, agreement, instrument or other document evidencing or giving rise to such property or any applicable shareholder or similar agreement, except to the extent that such Law or the term in such contract, license, agreement, instrument or other document or shareholder or similar agreement providing for such prohibition, breach, default or termination or requiring such consent is ineffective under applicable Law including Sections 9-406, 9-407, 9-408 or 9-409 of the New York UCC (or any successor provision or provisions). The Agent agrees that, at any Pledgor's reasonable request and expense, it will provide such Pledgor confirmation that the assets described in this paragraph are in fact excluded from the Pledged Collateral during such limited period only upon receipt of an Officers' Certificate and an Opinion of Counsel to that effect. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event that Rule 3-16 of Regulation S-X under the Securities Act requires (or is replaced with another rule or regulation, or any other law, rule or regulation is adopted, which would require) the filing with the SEC of separate financial statements (including if the Loans were "Securities" under the Securities Act) of the Borrower, any Guarantor or K. Hovnanian JV Holdings, L.L.C., then the capital stock or other securities of the Borrower, such Guarantor or K. Hovnanian JV Holdings, L.L.C., as applicable, shall automatically be deemed released and not to be and not to have been part of the Pledged Collateral but only to the extent necessary to not be subject to such requirement. In such event, this Agreement may be amended or modified, without the consent of any Lender upon the Agent's receipt of a written authorization from the Borrower stating that such amendment is permitted hereunder, which the Agent shall be entitled to conclusively rely upon, to the extent necessary to evidence the release of the lien created hereby on the shares of capital stock or other securities that are so deemed to no longer constitute part of the Pledged Collateral. View More
Pledged Collateral. All personal property of Borrower including but not limited to all cash, cash equivalents, accounts, bank and deposit accounts (including any control account, disbursement account and any other bank accounts, chattel paper, instruments, books and records, contract rights, general intangibles (stock, claims, contract rights, and choses in action), goods, equipment inventory, documents, deposit accounts, returned or repossessed goods, commercial tort claims, insurance claims, rights and policies,... letter of credit rights, investment property, supporting obligations, and the proceeds (including insurance proceeds), products, parts, accessories, attachments, accessions, replacements, substitutions, additions, and improvements of or to each of the foregoing. Notwithstanding the foregoing or anything to the contrary in this Agreement, View More
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