
Example Definitions of "Product"
Product. Means the Consumables, Illumina Hardware, and Software that are offered for sale under, purchased under or otherwise governed by the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
Product. Those products designated in Exhibit A or as may be added afterwards upon agreement by both Customer and the Manufacturer, which Manufacturer will make to fulfill orders placed by Customer
Product. The Formestane Cream, ointment, or topical application as set forth in [* * *].
Product. Means OBIs proprietary cosmetic products, marketed under the trademarked name Dermacyte®, and any White Label derivatives thereof
Product. Either a BMS Compound Product or an ICAgen Compound Product.
Product. Means [**] alone or in combination with one or more agent, in each case the manufacture or sale of which, absent a grant of the license set forth herein, would constitute infringement of a Valid Claim in any of the Licensed Patents.
Product. Means the product known as TOCOSOL® Paclitaxel, as more particularly described in the License Agreement.
Product. The finished emulsion cancer therapeutic product known as TOCOSOL(TM) Paclitaxel
Product. The product currently known as Surfaxin, as such name may change from time to time, for any and all formulations and delivery mechanisms, for the indications of (i) respiratory distress syndrome (RDS), or (ii) meconium aspiration syndrome (MAS).
Product. Cicero's XMTM Enterprise product
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